Sunday, June 29, 2008

Inflation Inflation EVERYWHERE !!

This is the disease that is plaguing not just the Indian Economy at the moment ..Asia, Europe, US..nobody is spared of this menace...bueveryone starting from the beggar on the street to the Finance Minister is concerned...Oil prices have hit $130 /barrel. Now thats a record!..Rates of inflation in India have reached double digit growths -thats another record..All the talks of the sensex booming and investors reaping in the bucks have gone to the dumps...What does Inflation basically mean to the man on the road? - Prices of essential comodities rise disproportianately to what one is earning... I have applied a cab from office to lift and drop me - the reason ?? - fuel prices cost Rs 57/litre - now an employee like me cant afford think of a guy on the street - thats only the fuel part - Even prices of essential commodities have gone for a roller coaster ride..They say that the onion price is the best indicator whether the government would stay for another term or not.Going by that definition , there is no way that the govt would stay for another term....Spiralling oil prices...spiralling fuel prices....theres no way that this govt would survive...forget 5 years..even 3 years seems a difficulty....The next govt would do a damn good job to last another 5 years..coz this problem isnt going to get resolved in sometime..Its going to continue...

So what does it mean to you and me?...- Somehow multiply your earnings or have a tough time- f0rget savings, even making your ends meet would be a damn tough job.