Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lokpal and ramifications for India

Analysis of events happening in the world from the political outbreak in Libya to the latest Anna Hazare episode in India reveals the fact that a revolution of sorts is happening.

The notable fact of the Anna Hazare movement is that the youth were out in full strength of the movement.Social media has added to the momentum.The media has gone berserk with the catchy headlines on this issue.The important question in the midst of all this is -- How does an effective Lokpal gets passed in the Parliament .

There were interesting questions being fired at Union HRD Minister Mr Kapil Sibal on the NDTV - 24X7 News channel yesterday --

1)Does the Prime Minister have to brought under the gambit of the Lokpal?

The argument of the HRD minister was that brining the PM under the ambit of the Lokpal would result in an unstable democracy.He further added that the PM can be brought under the Lokpal once he leaves office.

My take on this --- If we have an efficient Lokpal commitee , why would a weak case be raised against the PM in the first place?

2)Will the Lokpal have a separate investigative agency?
Yes , the Lokpal should have a separate investigative agency ,as this agency would be the backbone of the Lokpal and would ensure the success of this plan.Any trace of corruption would make the public to view this agency just like any other Governmental agency.The aim should be to have this agency as a reputed organization earning the respect of the people of this country.

3)Who will appoint the staff of the Lokpal?
A mechanism will have to be worked out to decide on this point.

The answers to these questions are of vital importance to India achieving a strong and vibrant democracy.For the first time in years , the Goverment of India is in the dark as it has a huge challenge on facing these crucial questions.This episode has certainly provided light at the end of a tunnel for a system neck deep in corruption.

The coming days will be full of action and thamasha.Watching out for the drama to unfold.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Miracles in daily life !

Whoever said that life gets boring after a point. I dont agree with them at all , the fact is that the people who makes such claims do not observe their own thought patterns closely and just look life in a materialistic point of view.The fact of the matter is , every individual has the power to create the reality they choose to.

Just to cite an example of the power of the mind-
Couple of days back , I was watching the ROSEBOWL channel and came across some photos of Wagamon , a hill station in Idukki district in Kerala.I felt like visiting this place and thought about it for a while.Did a bit of googling also on the places to visit in Idukki.Couple of days later ,happened to talk to a friend in office on the plans for the weekend and he asked me "Why not visit Wagamon this weekend ?? "" I was left speechless !

Recently , I was feeling lazy and felt that I badly needed an adrenaline rush.I went out on a bike ride and as the cops have a habit in this part of the world to go on a money collecting ( checking spree ) after the 15th of every month , I bumped into 2 of them .They showed the hands for me to stop.I decided that doing that would result in burning a hole in my pocket in addition to other complications and instantly decided that the best option would be SCOOOT !The cop started running towards the middle of the road as if he got his long desired prey .I ripped my bike like crazy and knew in my mind that the way the bike was picking up speed , I could cross him without any issues and as planned , the bike ripped past the divider and the cop stood their dissapointed.Probably the other guy took down the bikes registration number !!! :)) Hope he dint .Anyway , the point is I got my adrenalie rush !

So , don't take the power of your mind for granted and realize that everyone has the power to create their destinies.To hell with astrologers and people who bring you down.Do realize that you are like the director of a film , the more clear the picture you have in your mind regardng how your life should shape up , thats exactly how its going to happen !