Tuesday, January 26, 2016

America in the 21st century

Economists,foreign policy watchers and politicians are hotly debating the question - "Is the US on the decline" ?

This question will not be a straight forward yes or now.Detailed analysis on various aspects of national life would be required.


The US healthcare system is exorbitant and costs continue to spiral.The Affordable Care Act brought on by the Obama administration was a step in the right direction hoping to make Healthcare affordable and mandatory.The results however doesn't look bright.Obamacare has succeeded in enrolling more Americans for healthcare through the exchange program.Heavy fines are imposed under this program if a family remains uninsured during the calendar year.

However,on the downside,it has resulted in big players like Anthem&Cigna joining hands and capturing larger market shares to keep their profits in check.

US lags way behind countries like Germany,Denmark and Sweden where healthcare is much cheaper and services more efficient.

It has become impossible for any senator to challenge the drug companies from the costs constantly as their fundings would take an immediate hit.However in the above countries,drug companies are under the ambit of the government and are forced to keep the prices of drugs within a range.


US primary education standards are on the downhill as per many studies.However,US continues to excel in its post graduate and research programs.US is still able to attract the best brains from around the world and they continue to make it their home.

However,the future immigration policies of subsequent governments would have a strong say on if this trend would continue onto the 21st century.

3)Foreign policy:

The US has come under heavy criticism from around the world after the twin blunders of Iraq and Afghanisthan.Its a fact that US hegemony will be on the decline as we move into the 21st century.Putin moving Russian forces into Syria in support of Assad is a clear sign that the cracks of US foreign policy are starting to backfire.

BRICS ( Brazil ,Russia,India,China , South-Africa) & Israel would take stronger roles in fighting terror in the coming decades and would continually challenge US foreign policies.We are already seeing evidences of this with China investing massively in Africa and building islands in South China sea against US interests.

However US continues to have the largest military budget & military bases by far comparing to any other country.

4)US Debt :

The US debt would spiral into trillions with the baby boomers set to retire in the next 5-10 years.Social security and medicare bills are a ticking time bomb on the treasury.

Given the fact that majority of the US debt is held by China,the next President would have a tightrope diplomacy to maintain.He or she will not be in a position to act indiscriminately against China.

Any massive selling of US debt would lead to a crash in the dollar which could trigger a further recession.

5)Family & Savings :

The American mindset would have to learn to respect these two crucial 6 letter words if they are to prosper in the 21st century.

a) Family : 

Countries like India where the families are closely knit are closed from external shocks in economies primarily because families step in when members are in an economic crisis and hence there is a lesser dependency on the government.Medical insurance and health care is extraordinarily cheap and hence children take charge of the parent's medical bills once they enter into old age.Hence the government is freed up of social security and medicare bills.This behavior has been culturally embedded into their DNA whereas in the US , "independence" is an overly rated virtue.

b)Saving :

Families in India run on the debit transactions unlike US where everything runs on credit.Hence,children are continually encouraged to save from childhood.Banks do not lend home loans unless you shell in 20% of the down payment.Hence India did quite well even as the housing market in the US crashed.


The US immigration story has been a great success over the decades.However the Republican calls to cut down on H1B visa's to 20 000 doesn't look promising.H1B visa's are issued to highly skilled workers like IT professionals,doctors and engineers.

The Republican fear mongering is against the stand of stalwarts like Bill Gates who have called on the US government to issue infinite H1B visas as these workers are highly skilled and are more often than not would end up starting ventures in the US in the long run and create more jobs.

The US would continue to flourish as long as it continues to bring in the best brains & minds.
Accepting Syrian refugees is a different debate altogether and the 2 issues are often mixed up by the right wingers while debating.

The world needs America to keep doing well into the 21st century and let's hope the legislators make all the right choices in the days ahead.

For feedback ,write to anandurz@gmail.com

Monday, January 25, 2016

A take on the global economy and political scenario - 2016

The housing market has been on upswing over the last year.US real estate prices are back to the 2008 days.Seller's who bought their property at the peak of the bubble around 2004-2006 period had to wait a decade to back their equity.

The question is whether the rise of the US economy this time is for real.Critics like Jim Rickards have criticized the Fed heavily and strongly believes that another stronger,longer recession is around the corner. Rickards points out that the FED has been indiscriminately pumping in cash to keep the inevitable from happening.Another possibility that he points out is that the next global recession could be triggered with the collapse of the Chinese economy and not from home grown market forces.The Chinese -US economic tango is well documented.China holds majority of the US stock to keep the yuan low and hence keep its position of a manufacturing hub intact.If a scenario occurs where the Chinese does a massive sell of the US foreign debt, the markets could tailspin into panic mode and would prove to be a domino effect too strong to withhold.

In between,buying in the US market has gone on an upswing with the employment rate looking good.Critics like Rickards again point out that the jobs that are created are part time jobs not full time stable jobs.

People prefer to buy rather than rent.Most people in US would be happy to see their house prices appreciate close to 1 to 3 %.Gone are the crazy expectations of massive increase in real estate value after the hard lessons of the recession.Statistics of properties sold show that the high sales are in the range of 350 000 $ to 450 000 $ in a place like Minneapolis which could be considered a upper middle class range.This again does points out that the real definition of middle class in US needs to be clearly defined.Families earning 200 000 $ per annum consider themselves middle class in US.Considering that the average family income of a US family is 56 000 $ , this does not make sense.

The rise of Bernie Sanders in the upcoming elections is a clear indicator that the middle class is increasingly feeling isolated from mainstream.Democratic socialism is making waves in US.With most of the democracies going right wing across the world,it would be interesting to see how Right wing conservatism from the likes of Donald Trump would come out in the election.

Accepting Syrian refugees &  Islamic terrorism is again a hot area of debate on the election trail.The Democrats have been continually refusing to use the work "Islamic terror" and argue that forming a coalition and air strikes are the way forward.The Republicans on the other hand have been blowing the fear trumpet.Tedd Cruz and Trump have come heavily on Obama for the Iran deal and for not sending in ground troops.However Cruz and Trump have not explained on how they plan to finance another US ground troop invasion.

Europe is struggling with the biggest exodus of immigrants after the World War.Recent incidents of sexual assaults on women by refugees in Cologne on New Years' eve has led to the popularity ratings of Angela Merkel falling.David Cameron has called for more purposeful expression of liberal values.With the Euro in a crisis,it would be interesting to see if Britain chooses to remain with the EU or drop out of it in the days to come.France has joined the US led airstrikes after the attack in Paris.

Putin has snatched the initiative from the West with Syria.He has made it clear that keeping Assad in power is the best option at the point.Putin has realized that the US hegemony after the double blunders of Iraq and Afghanisthan is on the decline.

Meanwhile in India,Modi government is trying to push through key reforms like GST with a disruptive opposition like Congress playing spoiltsport.It would be critical for a Modi let BJP government to assume power again in 2019 if the key initiatives like Make In India,Digital India and financial inclusion of the poor are to take place.

2016 would be a key year to watch.