Friday, May 27, 2016

Would taking acting lessons help make you a better executive ?

Taking acting lessons might be a good way for executives to be better at their job.The skill set requirements for an actor and executives find a lot of meeting points,some of which are discussed below.
1)Being in the moment 
One of the main qualities that a good actor needs to imbibe is to be constantly be in the present moment.Acting is a form of meditation where the actor has to leave his personal problems aside and get into the heart and mind of the character being portrayed.Executives often have trouble being present with distractions and stresses in the personal life to issues with multi-tasking.Research has proved time and again that the mind by nature functions best when it is focused on one particular activity.
Great actors like Robert Deniro,Al Pacino,Marlon Brando & Mohanlal have an uncanny ability to be completely immersed in their present and react to the ongoing situation in a calm and relaxed way.Being present in the moment also leads one into a zone where the mind can function from a higher intelligence.
2)Understanding different perspectives
A good actor is always aware of the emotion that is conveyed in every situation.A good actor also understands the script and story in whole and is not just bothered about his or her part in the plot.Likewise,an executive cannot function as an island without understanding the broader vision of the organization and needs to work in a selfless manner to get the respect of his team mates.
3)Being authentic
Actors have to portray broad range of emotions in a short span of time and have to be authentic throughout.Audience would be able to tell in a whisker between a genuine actor and a struggling actor who tries to be too hard.
4)Being a good listener
Good actors have to not only act but also react efficiently to other co-actors.Likewise,executives should not focus only on their side of the story or try to push their agenda on their reportees. The corporate world has a big share of managers and leaders who might achieve their targets but keep the employees disgruntled leading to higher attrition rates.To be a good listener,one would need to keep out their personal biases out and listen in a completely non judgmental way.
Timing is a key factor which distinguishes a good actor from a mediocre one.Actors have to appear on the scene and move out at the right time.They also have to constantly react to the changes.Executives would need to imbibe the same qualities to stay afloat and shine in the constantly changing market place.They would need remain abreast of the latest innovations and technology.

7)Body language & Voice modulation
Good actors have to modulate their tone as per the scene.Similarly managers would need to wear different hats on any given day.There will be situations where one would need to be come affirmative in his/her actions ,words and others where an empathetic tone would do the work.
A person who has no self awareness would not be able to manage his thoughts and emotions.An executive just like a good actor would need to display heightened sense of sensitivity to situations and events around him/her.
All in all,taking acting classes and being part of dramas and films might provide a sense of direction and drive to executives who are looking to advance in their professional life's.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Minneapolis - A shining example for other metros to emulate

Having lived in Los Angeles,Dallas and Minneapolis,I can vouch for the fact that the Greater Metro Area of Minneapolis beats LA and Dallas hands down.
Minneapolis stands apart as a shining example for other metros in the US and even the world to emulate.

Key selling points of the Twin Cities(Minneapolis-StPaul) are :
1.Fiscal equalization:
Unlike other metros Minneapolis has religiously stuck to the fiscal equalization policy whereby the rich are taxed and the funds sprinkled to the lesser developed parts of the city.This has resulted in almost zero ghettos in the Greater Minneapolis-St Paul metro area & almost equal quality of life throughout the metro area.This phenomenon is in strange contrast to the picture in cities like Los Angeles,New York or Dallas where the economic divide is clearly visible geographically.Sticking to this policy has ensured that the Twin Cities area of Minneapolis and St Paul has plenty of well maintained parks,schools,biking trails,roads and other amenities.
The rich in places like San Francisco get into a shell and ensure that the middle income and lower sections of the society are pushed out of the metro limits thereby leading to a feeling of isolation and crime.If you earn 100 000$ in Minneapolis,you would need double that to maintain the same quality of lifestyle in a place like San Francisco.It remains to be seen on how long the real estate bubble in a city like San Fran can sustain where it has virtually impossible for a family earning 60 000$ per year to survive.
2.Blend of the urban and the rural
Minneapolis–St. Paul is the headquarters for 19 Fortune 500 companies—more than any other metro its size—spanning retail (Target), health care (UnitedHealth), and food (General Mills). In the past 60 years, 40 Minneapolis-based businesses have made it onto Fortune’s list.
If you drive an hour from the twin cities,soy and corn farmlands greet you with open arms.The twin cities offer a perfect blend of nature with its lakes,beautifully preserved parks,corporates and farms.
Minneapolis stands out as a shining example for the metros in the developing world on how to strike a balance between growing prosperity and respecting nature.To the credit of the legislators,the parks and lakes are preserved in all its natural elegance.It is no surprise that Minnesota has the 2nd highest lifespan in the US after Hawaii.Minnesotans' take advantage of the biking trails and parks to the hilt and keep themselves in shape.
3.Highest employment rate for the millennials in US
Most impressive of all, the Twin Cities have the highest employment rate for 18-to-34-year-olds in the country.If you are a student,a single bed room apartment is available starting from 800 $ to 1300 $.Student's find it easier to start with part time jobs as they work their way up the career.3 bed ,4 bath homes are available in the range of 250 000$ to 340 000 $ in plenty in great schooling districts all over the metro area.If you are ready to work hard,opportunities are plenty in the Twin cities.
The saying in the metro area is that it is very difficult to get someone to move to Minneapolis and it is even more difficult to get someone to leave Minneapolis.People fear the winter and refrain from moving but once they move in,they swear to never move out.Most of the corporate sector has managers in the 30's and 40's who were born in Minnesota and passed out of its colleges.They never care to move out of state.This ensures that the Twin cities has a rich talented workforce.
All in all, a great place to live and raise a family !!