Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pythagoras !!

Well , am going to write about Pythagoras , now before you jump into any conclusions, let me make it clear that am in no mood to write about square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other 2 sides.

Pythagoras is room in Blore - its for you to find out where it is located.

How can you identify the room ?
Well lemee give you a clue , take a right after the barbeque nation at koramangala and go down the road , you would find a room with a pink towel hanging on the balcony .

Well explore pythagoras for would find a shoe rack with sneekers, you can never make out if someone is there or not in the house , coz there aint no light in there whether its day or night.

Another thin is once you come out of the room , you feel elated , you feel high..theres somethin in the air in that room ..there gotta find out for not gonna leak out the secret...

Theres also a magic room attached to the pythagoras room , its called a magic room coz thats where a lot of great ideas have been born in the past....

Mind you , you would get great ideas as well .. if you stay in that room ...

before i tell you more ..find out the room go there..find out for yourselves...

Let me know what you find..

You must be thinking I am gone nuts , but believe me Pythagoras is worth visiting.

1 comment:

MadAss said...

Its a maroon towel not pink!!!
And where is the pic?