Sunday, January 27, 2013

Technologies role in the Knowledge Revolution

India is a country which has always done well in crisis situations.When there was a food crisis , we came out with the Green Revolution.When there was the economic crisis,India came out with the financial reforms.
This time ,India is not facing either of this but a propaganda by international powers on the very social and ethical fabric of India.There has been a systematic attempt by the foriegn powers on degrading the Indian society.

Osama Bin Laden had formally informed his Al Qaeda cadets that India has been an "incomplete chapter in the conquest of Islamic struggle" across the world.Bin Laden was flummoxed on how despite after 600 years of Mughal rule , India still remains 83 % Hindu.Then again India was ruled by 300 years of British rule.The British had a habit of establishing their culture wherever they went.For eg , they named the Ram Sethu as Adam's Bridge.The British should have been smarter in this case.The story goes that Adam crossed the bridge , but then who built it in the first place?

Coming back to the point , the youth of India is a cross bridge and it is very important that they trace their past to a common heritage.Latest DNA studies show that 80% if Asians even have Indian history which inturn means that all Indians trace their past to a common heritage.The ancestors of all Indians including the Christians and Muslims are Hindus which again shows that we are all part of the same family.There are vested interests who want to bifurcate India saying that Muslims in India trace their past to Mohammed Ghori and Ghazni.The latest DNA studies busts that theory.

Now, this is where the knowledge revolution has a role to play.Youngsters of India armed with interactive tools like facebook and twitter have instant access to information which are kept out from the public domain and this also gives them a chance to interact with real views. Indians need to realize that we trace our history back to an ancient culture of a glorious civilization.Max Mueller introduced a bogus theory bringing in the concept of Aryan invasion .The differentiation which the British kept referring to was Aryan and Dravidian.The word Dravidian in Sanskrit means Southern part implying that a Dravidian refers to a person coming from the Southern part of India.The color of people are different which is purely a case of skin pigmentation and have nothing to do with an Aryan invasion.

The impact of social media has been visibile in the last year -- with Karthi Chidambaram filing a case against a person who had tweeted against him.There were goons from Shiv Sena who barged a girls house for her comments agains Bal Thackeray on facebook.Gone are the days , when political parties could buy out the electronic media and report what they want.The Congress party has invested a 1000 crore plus budget for marketing through social media in view of 2014 general elections.The BJP already has a significant online presence.

During the recent anti corruption rally in govt , a girl who was arrested and put in the lock up in a Delhi police station , tweeted that she was kept without reason.Within an hour ,social activists barged into the police station and got her release.All these facts prove that social media is here to stay.

Shashi Tharoor even lost his ministership for a tweet which was out of place.Tharoor also maintains a very active presence online keeping his work very transparent.Subramanian Swamy requested his followers on twitter to provide him details on Karthi Chidambaram's companies and within 2 days Swamy thanked a person for providing him details which was not available in the public domain.Tools like twitter has proved to be blessing in disguise for anti corruption activists like Julian Assange and Subramanian Swamy to get information in their anti-corruption campaings.Swamy's followers for instance has grown from 25K to over 1.1 followers in  a short period of time.

Critics of social media say that it can not possibly have any drastic impact on the voting patterns in elections.The argument sounds right in the current day,but the number of youth buying smart phones and option for a 2G or a 3G connection is on the rise.10 years down the line ,a majority of the youth in the country would be having access to instant information on all realms of life and the playing field would be much different from what we see today

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