Sunday, July 8, 2007

Arranged marriages or Love Marriages ?!!!

well ...lemme tell why i am posting this blog.....the power wnt off for an hour or so.....and we guys had nothing to do other than chat..somehow this topic surfaced...everyone had a point of view...
and in the end there were no conclusions...

what i basically feel at this point of time is that marriage is nothing but another word for adjustmnt.The better you adjust the smoother the marriage. Talks of love and commitment for a lifetime are all crap and bullshit according to me...i maybe wrong, after all i hve been on dis planet only for 22 years...but of wat i hve observed from all relationships , i have reached dis conclusion and i havent seen one love marriage which has gone on smoothly for more than a period of 2 years .....sorry to all the lovers of dis world who may read my blog , but am just riting down my thoughts here.......

so why according to me does love fail?..after all its the strongest feeling dat God has given a Human being......the very fact is that you have explored a person before marrying him/her before marriage that theres absolutely no curiosity once you have tied the knot...thats reason number one...secondly, the huge expectations that you have of your enter the relationship wid some preconceived notions bout ur partner...and once you see the real face, u get second thoughts bout whether you have made the rite choice.....after all living the next 50 or so years wid dis person is no joke !......u get thoughts like " he /she was soooooo charming and cute before..wheres all that gone now !!..he used to shower me wid gifts those dayz at skool/college...forget the gifts...he/she doesnt even give me a glance....wats goin rong? ".......

well theres noding goin rong..but this is how life is and u failed to understand it watever is rong is rong wid u........!!! i sounding too tuff here.......!.truth is alwayz bitter !....

am not justifying arranged marriages here ....coz i hve seen people of our previous generation just adjusting and stretching themselves just to keep their marriages going not because of the affection they have for each other but for the sake of the kids that they have.......

another aspect that the modern world has brought is the concept of Live in relationships...thendian society wud reject this concept totally , but this has a few positive aspects as well...remember Salaam Namaste...the guy and the girl live together gettting to knw d reaaal person before plunging into marriage......i agree some people do this for the heck of time pass..but it goes widout saying that this concept of live in is not without its share of plusses....

so..the enigma of dis word MARRIAGE lives on.......!..god bless..may all of u find people whom u can spend ur life every moment happily.....

1 comment:

MadAss said...

why marry in the first place??The problem with our society is that we are supposed to marry just for the sake of it,just for having a family.

maybe its just me,but i believe marriages should happen for a reason and that reason is love.

Am not saying that people who marry their sweethearts are gonna have a rosy and smooth life.But it sure does feel better to adjust with someone you love rather than with some stranger.