Thursday, July 12, 2007

From college life to corporate LIFE...!

For some life is a journey...for some its a game...for others , its an experience...But, i think its a combination of all three..At the moment, i am experiencing a journey..a journey not only of locations but also cultures, friends, attitude etc etc.
The time is 1 in the night and i am writing this blog not because i have nothing better to do, cause my mind tells " hey dude , u started this blog not to leave it blank but to jot down your thoughts..." i better do it..

College dayz are over...and people tell me that i have become an adult in all sense of the term. I laugh at their comments. But hey, its true - no more bunking classes and goin for movies, no more hanging out at the coffee shop watching the babes at college and ofcourse commenting on them, no more freaking out at Barista with friends , no more internal exams, no more last minute studying for externals, no more running behind teachers for gettin marks , no more ....of many gorgeous things......God i miss those wonderful just a month out of finishing with college and i wish i was back in the midst of college life.....

and tomorrow, i wud be heading to hyderabad to join the corporate world..Yea, its gonna be new experience. But i wud be happy if it wud be half as gud as my college life had been. New friends( or colleagues as they formally call it !! ) , new coffe corners, new culture , new dressing style (formals am i gonna wear dat 4 dayz a week ! ) , a new of many gorgeous things...

They say that we are supposed to behave as mature individuals from now on. Maturity - whats dat supposed to mean ?...!!! and dat we have to talk in a formal and decent manner when we answer calls while at work. So wat bout all the slangs that i have been using in my college life. Where wud i use em !!?...c'mon there have to be people thinkin in my terms in the corporate field. C'mon guys , lets get together and make sure that we shout atleast one slang while talkin in office in every conversation..dat wud be awesum...aint it ? :)...and that wel have to maintain a formal distance in our walk , talk and all words ending wid LK...phew..

seems like i hve to buck up and get ready to this so called Corporate life. Hope the journey wud be full of thrills and less of spills...After all , changing the mindset of four years is not going to be a piece of cake. Game CORPORATE on !..

1 comment:

MadAss said...

Interesting post.Pretty much what everyone of us are going through right now.A sense of trepidation(in my case)...about having to take more responsibilities.