Saturday, May 31, 2008

Working in the IT Industry

Phew.. July 16th , 2007 was the day when i stepped into the IT industry.Its been close to a year now. IT industry - the buzzing industry in the country right now. Well , just beginning to understand it.This has been an alien industry especially for a guy with mechanical background like me. We were put into training of mainframes (thats a technology for people who hve no clue bout the IT industry) for 2 months after joining - Had a jolly good time there at the training institute.Went late to class, had lunch, went to the tea shop a million times, hanged around wid my hardcore cigarrette smoking friends, joked around with the lecturer, bunking labs etc.The honeymoon period was over.We had to report in the company..Were allotted projects....was put into a thing called bench- before you jump into any conclusions, this is not the bench & desk combo i am referring to here.Bench in the IT industry refers to people who have nothing worthwhile to do.Atleast here in CSC (uh , by the way , thats the name of the company i am working for right now) they refer it to as Buffer-Was in bench,ulps was a buffer resource till March , receiving KT (knowledge transfer in which a senior passes on the reqd knowledge)!!! - once that period was over, started working on the project.Luckily for me, people over here are good and kind enough without any airs - made my life a lot easier. Well , one thing about the IT service industry is - THE CLIENT IS THE KING - no matter what !! . If the client tells you that 1+ 0 = 2 you better believe it ! Keep this mantra in mind and march ahead and you will have a good time here ...or if you are in the mood to have a panga with the client, your days are numbered here...!!.....hmmmmmm...its a here in office writing this blog after going through a few KT documents...I have to attend an ORT (operation readiness test) before starting to work in another module...God ..tussi great ho..mujhe bachao....!! CLIENT IS THE KING ..CLIENT IS THE KING....

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