Monday, August 18, 2008

Why I have only 3 friends in Hyderabad ?

Its been an year in Hyderabad and what do I do on weekends? Go around with 2 other guys - Bhatta and Keerthi.Now don’t think I am gay or any thing of that sort.Its just that I dint find any one out of the 100 freshers that joined in my batch of my wavelength and frequecy (lambda and neu in hardcore physics terminology).Now what I am referring to wavelength and frequency is way of thinking , outlook to life etc.Its not that I have anything against the other 97 people.
Bhatta is my roommate , by the way his real name is Bharat.Keerthi is the other guy , stays a kilometre away from my house , has a scorpio, has a big frame like his scorpio but has a good heart.Now the proximity b/w us three is another reason makes matters for us easier.

Now what do I find not so attractive about the other 97.Money , money , money is the main reason. Dude gimme a break- most of them I find are solely focussed on saving money. One of the guys parents have taken his ATM card and withdraws money whenever the salary comes to his a/c!!! Wat the hell man !..Parents like that should be ashamed of themselves – they need immediate counselling.Alright, its good to save money , respect money , I know all that , but money will not lead you to eternal bliss.C’mon man, theres a life to live, there are places to go, there are pubs to go , there are babes to chase, there are buffaes to be eaten, etc etc, the list goes on. Most of these guys stick at home , watching tv SAVING Money .If at all one of read my blog – My message to you guys is – thers plenty of time to save, come out of your bloody nature, begin to enjoy life,travel places, meet people , shed your inhibitions, have an open mind…ohoh I am going on a moral science class here, but I am bloody frustrated with your outlook , I can’t lecture you on this in real , so I am venting my emotions here.
Now every Friday means 2 things in life – ETES ( now this is a time entry system that we have here in CSC ,which we have to mandatorily fill on Friday’s on the work that we have done in the preceeding week.The client pays money to CSC based on the hours charged etc.Now that’s one thing, the other is beer.Whats a Friday without a glass of chilled beer man. Whoever invented beer is just next to God in the people/gods I look upto.Now whats so good about beer – the chillness, the colour, the feel in your throat as it slides down – man you have to enjoy it.Every Friday, around 7 pm , one of us would ping would ping one of the other in sametime ( its an IBM provided chat like yahoo which my company uses for internal official purposes) – the qn over the last one year has been “what plans??” as if we are planning to have plans to launch a satellite.Bhatta doesn’t chat a word on the other 4 days.The only day that he comes online in sametime is Friday 7 pm and the only word he utters is BEEEEER.And both of us , respond to that saying YES.So that’s how Friday’s have been going for the last one year.I just wish we had more people of my wavelength and frequency in Hydearabd, so that we could ask the “What plans question to many more people”.I am sure , there are many more people out ther in hyderabad, but iz just that I havent had the good fortune of meeting them.
Lez c….how life shapes up ahead…as of now , I am in God’sOwn Country (kerala) writing this blog- as there is a power cut (kerala gets shitloaaaaaads( as Bhatta would say) of rain, but still they have power cuts here)

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