Friday, April 16, 2010

Crack is the future ...

Theres a bell..chiding away..

The tone in my head..

swaying into the darkness.

my head spins like a top..

these emotions...full of confusions...

is there no clarity..

is there no sanctity..

why ...why...does it ringggggg ...heeee..the bell begins to chideeeeeeee

these emotionssss ..full of confusionsss..

is there no clarity..
is there no santity..

madness rules the world..

fast paced is the path..

for the fools on the road.

gone are the days...

when slow paced was the race..

hell has broken loose..

wirings gone berserk in the brain..

crack is the nature..

of the future..

is there no clarity ..

is there no santity..

the bell begins to chide..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Quantum physics and its implications !!

Well , Einsteins E = Mass * Square of the velocity of light , equation definitely shook the world.But , the implications of quantum physics shook Einstein himself and forced him to say "God does not play dice " .

Einstein had proved the duality nature of light - that at times light takes up the property of a particle and at other times , it takes up the property of waves.

Schrodinger proved the wave nature of light thru the famous slit ray experiment in which the interference phenomena was theoretically proved , implying that light behaves like a wave.

Then , came up photon experiment through which it was proved that the behavior of the proton cannot be predicted before hand .The behavior of the proton changes when you observe it !!

In short , the "WORLD IS WHAT YOU SEE IT IS "..Nothing is real , or in Hinduism ,as they say, the whole world that you see is a maya or an illusion.

Physicists are yet to crack the mystery of how 2 particles , be it an electron , a photon even with a distance b/w them communicate.

Schrodinger developed a probability equation for finding a particular particle at a particular location at a particular point in time.Einstein was not happy with this concept.He will not live to see the day , when someone might come and prove that God does not exist !! or maybe that God does exist !!

The implications that come out of Quantum physics would be in tune with the law of cause and effect ( so as you sow, so you shall reap )....

So live on , and be wonderstruck of the implications of quantum physics and the strange but mircaulous ways of the universe. !!

Friday, April 9, 2010


Left office at 5 30 pm today as there was not much work left.Headed down the highway ,riding my bike at 40 - 60 kms/hr , stead and straight.There was a time when I used to get a kick out of ripping the bike and seeing the needle on the speedo point to the higher end of 90's.Its strange what time can do to people's thinking.Now, safety and stability has taken a priority.I am happy these days to just see the needle steadily point to 40's , whilst I sing a tune and make my way on the road.

Slowly , but steadily , Amaego ( thats what I call my Honda Unicorn ) came to the chaka circle, I had 2 options - head left and go home , head right and go to the Shangumugham beach and catch the sunset.I opted for the latter as I knew longer hours in the office were coming up next weeks.I have hardly seen 5 : 30 pm out of office in the last two and a half years since I started working , so din't want to waste this precious time.

Parked my bike beside a thattu kada and had a banan fry ( pazham pori ) as they call out here, and headed out ear to the beach.On the way , caught a lady selling grounduts fry , bought a packet and headed out to near the sea.

There's something amazing about the sea, its got a different life of its own , a couple of mins beside the sea and you are totally rejuvenated and ready to take on life.The sand had been pulled back a meter higher than the last time I was here ( that was 2 days back ! ) .On checking out with a localite , got the information that there was a kadal kopam ( means Anger of the sea ) last night and there was heavy tides resulting in the sand being pulled back.This again reiterates the fact how nature is all powerful and how humans often underestimate its power.

I was almost done with my groundnuts and threw the remaining pieces packed in a cover beside my feet.It was a matter of seconds before a crow glided down and sat besides the paper.It stared at me , quickly moved its head to left and right , and made the typical sound that only a crow can.The same process was repeated - looked at me , make the noise and off it took the paper with the groundnuts in a very proferssional manner and went back around 10 meters into the shore.It opened the paper which was folded in a manner of precision , stretched out the paper , stuck its beek into and quickly took in 4 to 5 groundnuts.Once this was done , it again did the same routine again - looked around , looked at me , made the noise .then dragged back the paper with the remaining groundnuts to a place behind a piece of log.

In a matter of seconds 2 more of his colleagues joined the crow and had the remaining feast of groundnuts.Whilst the colleagues started feasting on the groundnuts, the crow backed off and waited for his colleague to wrap up the meal.Once it was done, all the 3 flew back in to the skies again....

Well I think , theres a lesson in there for all folks -

1) Team work
2) Share your glory with others and allow people to be in the limelight.

Will be back with a new experience

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Todays world does not need individual superstars !

Well , the fact is today's world does not need individual superstars.People with average IQ and a high EQ is the need of the hour.The EQ term has struck a chord within the corporate world in the last few years.Managers have come to realise the hard fact that striking the emotional chords with a person with an employee would be 90 percent of the work and the rest 10 percent , which is the actual work getting done takes care of itself.So ,does that mean , being an individual superstar is wrong ?..It certaintly does