Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Taking ownership

1 comment:

Anand said...

"Taking ownership" - thats a term that you would hear a lot in the corporate world.Well , what exactly does it mean.

The corporate world is a funny place.I call it funny because there are no hard and fast rules there.Sometimes you feel that company is exploiting you by paying you less and getting the maximum out of you , at times you slog throughout and when you finally get the result , you get a tremendous amout of satisfaction.At t you other times , when you are pissed with the organization that you are working for , every screw up that happens to the company makes you filled with bliss beyond explanation.Its a world of strange coincidences.

Coming back to the term - taking ownership is an attitude which I feel is the key to success and satisfaction in whatever you do in life.It simply means that you feel that you are the whole and sole owner of the work that you do.Its the kind of feeling that a mother feels for her new born child, its a part of her , the child is not a separate entity.The same way , if you screw up your work , the only party wholly and solely responsible for it is you and you alone.The buck stops at you,When you have that attitude, there is no scope for complacency.Proactiveness would be the matra for you from then.Whether its a team of 2 , 5 , 500 or a small piece of code that you are writing , if you take whole and sole ownership of it, the quality of the out put mulitiplies several folds.Its quite amazing..whatever I have achieved in the corpo. world is by having this attitude..

Last week , Tiger Woods came out in public and mentioned that hes taking ownership for cheating on his wife and messing up his career....

Nyways...keep taking ownership and fly your way up...to glory...good day...................