Monday, June 6, 2016

What makes Donald Trump tick ?

The last 6 months has seen the rise and rise of Donald Trump from a political pariah to being the Republican party's nominee for the US presidential elections.You can hate him but time has proved that you surely cannot ignore him.So what makes him tick ?

1)Tap into the fears of people
Over the last 1 year,Trump has repeatedly trumpeted "fear" into the American consciousness.He stoked controversy by proposing a plan to ban "Muslim Immigrants" to US until they "figure out what's going on".Sounds easy to the ear but this is a complex problem which cannot be solved by one man or nation over a decade.
The liberals caught onto this and Trump had to face the heat on social media and from leaders world wide,especially the Arab world.However,Trump has stuck to his views and the primaries in the Southern states paid him rich dividents. Apart from Texas,Ted Cruz who was supposed to be the blue eyed boy of the evangelicals switched their allegiance to the Trump camp.
Was this his genuine view or a well thought out statement to get votes ?  Trump alone knows!
2)White supremacy & Utopia
The conservatives view Trump as having a lot of qualities that they would like to live with.Rich,white man with a beautiful wife running a successful business running around with a slogan of "Make America Great Again".

Trump constantly talks of China and Asia stealing the jobs away.Globalization is a reality and the sensible Americans have realized that globalization and offshoring is an irreversible phenomenon.The slogan of "Make American Great Again" has caught on with the conservatives whou would love to see their country retain the growth of the 70's and 80's.Again an impossible proposition.
Apart from criticizing of outsourcing and slogan monkering, Trump is yet to come out with solid bullet point steps that the US needs to take up to make his statement come true.
3)Being unpredictable and grab the media's attention
The media just loves Donald Trump because the man is unpredictable & can say anything anytime unlike the pre-determined responses of a Hillary Clinton or Obama.Watching CNN and Fox over the last year has been an incredibly boring affair with spotlights constantly on Trump's shenanigans.Trump has so far not outlined any specific steps on fixing the US debt or healthcare.Much of the earlier campaign was mud sliging at Rubio and Cruz.Trump has patted himself on the back repeatedly for his business acumen of knowing when to enter and exit a business.However it remains to be seen if business acumen can ever translate to good foreign policy.
It would be a fascinating election in November to see Trump take on the Democrats.It would be even more fascinating to see President Donald Trump in action.Meanwhile latest polls suggest that Bernie might do better against Trump rather than a Hillary.Hillary for all her experience certainly misses the charisma of an Obama.The email server and Bengazhi has been a thorn for her team throughout the campaign trail.
Interesting days ahead !!

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