Thursday, November 17, 2016

Hypocrisy of the US media

Donald Trump swept the polls and the United States turned primarily red to the shock of the "liberals" .The margin of the Trump victory went onto prove on the level of disconnect that the mainstream media has with reality.CNN-IBN , NY Times,the Washington Post and all the other bigwigs got the polls wrong by a huge margin which begs the question on the accountability of the media.Should there be a penalty or a public admonition of the media if they repeatedly get their predictions incorrect.Even though this might sound like a far cry, media seemed to have taken a high moral ground against Trump.It's no big secret that Trump had made denigrating comments on Mexicans,passed inappropriate comments on women besides a host of other things which are not expected of a Presidential candidate.There should be no love lost for Trump.However the media by taking a high moral pedestal failed to have its ears to the ground and failed to understand the brewing anger in the country.They seemed to have forgotten that Flint,Michigan and Cleveland,Ohio are as much part of the nation as a New York or a San Francisco.
The frown and hypocrisy of the media got even worse on November 8th as it became clear that Trump emerged the clear winner and that too by a huge margin.Question's started emerging as to "What will I tell my 5 year old daughter " to "What has happened to our great nation " ?
The media focussed on Trump rather than understanding " What led to Trump " .Donald Trump was just a manifestation of the brewing discontent with the way politics has been carried on in Washington for many decades.Inspite of all his shortcomings,people voted in droves for Trump as they saw him as an outsider who could take on the status quo.Trump understood the pulse of the nation better than all the seasoned pros in the game.He called a spade a spade by talking about "radical Islam" which is clearly a threat to humanity.On the other hand,we had Hillary Clinton even refusing to talk about it.How would she , when 20% of her funding came from Saudi Arabia and her closest aide is Huma Abedin.Trump campaigned vigorously in the rust belt which Hillary ignored. Ofcourse ,Trump is treading on a dangerous path when he chooses to ignore climate change.There are a lot of other flaws in the Donald.But one thing he doesn't have is the hypocrisy of the Clinton camp.No matter how much she smiled,Hillary couldn't get over her emails.The Bernie supporters in hindsight feel cheated as Bernie would have emerged a sure shot winner against Trump.
Proferssor Alan Lichtman had correctly predicted using a 13 point system that Trump would emerge the winner.No one believed him then.
Professor Lichtman has gone onto predict that Trump would be impeached.Exciting days ahead.

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