Sunday, January 8, 2017

Democrats have to INTROSPECT instead of sticking to CONSPIRACY theories

It's high time the Dem's realized that Hillary Clinton completely ignored the Rust Belt in the campaigning.She did not have a clean image unlike Obama who despite being criticized on several policy failures did not have a stain on personal integrity and corruption.The Dem's might also want to introspect if the results would have turned out differently if Bernie Sanders was the Dem nominee.
The well oiled Clinton machinery which included the so called "liberal & progressive" media was in for a rude shock on Election night.Russian hacks into the DNC is the latest excuse of the Dems.Even if the Russian's managed to hack into the DNC, the Russians did not install Trump in Washington.They DEM's and the liberal media keep saying that the Russians hacked the election.Read b/w the lines and you realize that the alleged hack was on the DNC and not on the actual outcome of the election.
After November 8th,the DEM reactions have varied from street protests to arguing on scrapping the Electoral College.Hillary went onto say that the FBI re-opening the investigation into her email prior to the election hurt her prospects badly.
The Russian obsession is a clear strategy of the Clinton machinery ,which wants to keep projecting Russia as the enemy.Its clear that Putin outsmarted Obama in Syria.Despite all the US efforts in keeping Assad out ,Russia prevailed with its clearly stated objective of keeping Assad in power.Trump has clearly taken a diabolical view to the Clinton machinery & has openly praised Putin on twitter.Trump considers China a bigger threat to the US rather than Russia.The drastic change in his views have again come out as a jolt to the Clinton News Network and other liberal(?) media network who have been chanting "Russia..Russia" over several weeks.Trump has decided to take to social media to vent out his thoughts thereby bypassing the media giants and their established views.
The DEMS would do well to introspect and look forward.There is no sign of that atleast for now...

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