Monday, July 2, 2007

The world is a stage ..

"All the world's a stage, / And the men and women merely players: / They
have their exits and their entrances; / And one man in his time plays
many parts."

hmm....these word's keep ringin in my ear these dayz...seems to have made life a lot easier for me...kudos to William Shakespeare for thinking and coming out with words of wisdom on this phenomenon called life.

So whenever i tend to fail in any task , i just tell myself that i am an artist acting a play and sometimes the acting is bad.Even Marlon Brando has acted badly in some movies !! wheres the scope for a mortal like me...

So wat r the roles i am playin now ???...well son , brother, grand son , uncle , nephew , student , employee ...........phew man...i am supposed to get the Oscar award for playing all these roles to perfection at a time !!...wat say? ..who says Tom Hanks is the best actor in the world....its not hanks...its me !!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

MadAss said...

Tom hanks and the best actor in the world??are you kidding me?
what happend to the Al pacinos and Robert De niros of this world?