Saturday, June 26, 2010
Eternal madness..
Its 12 in the night
and the phone begins to chide..
Madness is the gift that's been given to us...
The sickness is about to begin..
The topics just keep comin..
as if there's no endin..
is there light at the end of the tunnel
or will the day ever come?.
come it will and d madness has to come to an end..
rules are created..rules are broken as if they
were never rules..!
d world never runs on rules...
chaos & randomness is wat it runs on....
go wid d madness..
go wid d sicknes...
till one day ..
everythin dies down and... the sickness comes to an end
people move on in their lifes
and forget bout d madness dat once existed...
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Twist of a fate ....
Note – all characters in the story are fictional and any resemblance is purely fictional.
Camera movements are marked in red , dialagues in blue.Character movements /actions /emotions are put in the bracket for ease of capturing the scene )
O : old man
B : 1st guy
(1 guy is sitting on a long chair and crying on dressed in a T shirt and cargo,.innocent face ,weeping continuously in a railway terminal.There are couple of people around all busy in their activities , theres a husband and wife chit chatting , there’s a guy in formals on a business trip reading a business magazine , his face is not visible ,sitting directly behind the first guy , theres grandmother and a small kid besides this guy...)
****( camera focuses on the 1st guy and his face ), while the other characters stay in the background ,bright lighting )
A couple of travellers pass by and notice this guy crying , gives a weired but do not bother to talk to the guy )
An old man passes by , dressed elegantly , sits beside the boy curious to find out whats happening.He’s in no hurry and seems to have all the time in the world.Has perfect body language , sits on one of the extreme corners of the chair ..takes a look at boy , takes a deep sigh and lights a cigarette , hes got a gold lighter and a swiss cigar ( long one , brown colour ) , takes it out of his pants pocket , taps it and lights it, takes a puff and looking straight
O : “ Can I know the reason for your sorrow young man “ ?
( camera still has a close up shot on the boy and moves sideways to focus on the man as if viewed from the boys eyes and moves in front of the 2 characters.. )
( The boy doesnt bother to hear turns his head in the other direction and continues with the weeping )
O : well ,there’s no problem on this planet without a solution young man. Release your thoughts and forget that we ever had a converstation. I guess that should serve u well.What say ??
(still no response from the boy )
O: Hmm, I guess you are a tough nut to crack.Want a smoke? ( draws out a cigarette and points in the direction of the boy )
B: ( slowly looking in the direction of the old man , picks up the cigar and lights it up ) ..Thanks for that.Well why are you even bothered about me ?
O: Because i don’t like people around me to be weeping and shedding tears.I know what sadness is..Tell me ,whats your problem..
B: oooh...well..the usual story i guess. The girl ..the first girl that I loved ditched me...she ..she says she recently found some ..and has started to have feelings for that guy ..
O : thats sad , young man , I emapathize with you...
B: I don’t know why she did that ..she used to like me..we were so happy together until she started having feelings for some jerk...I never got a chance to meet her parents and put my case..I don’t even know any of her relatives...I don’t even know who her parents are !..What surpises me , rather frustrates me is that one day she was with me , next day , she ‘s wants to be someoneelse.What do you think?
O : Aha , just as I guessed .And you are not able to get over that ..I can see that .Just like some one said “It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.”I feel sorry for you boy “
(takes another puff of the cigar )
B: ( staring at the old man ) , but you are saying that I should just get over and move on.Don’t you think the behaviour exhibited by the girl is nothing but bitchy ?
O : I would rather not comment on that young man.As for your sorrow , you are not alone .Everyone has their share of sorrows in this world.I am having a troubled relationship with my daughter as well .She mentioned to me yesterday that she has found some guy .Well , am really worried, about my daughters choice...We have pampered her and brought her up.she doesn’t know the tricks that guys these days are upto..Honestly speaking , the only guy that a girl can trust in her lifetime is her dad !
B : Oh come on man ! , you know us guys , we are good at heart aint we ?
O: ( laughs sarcastically and takes another puff ) ya ya ..haha ..
B : ( shakes head in frustration ) , so what else about your trouble relationship with your daughter?
O : She mentioned that his name is some...(aah , thinking to recollect ) ,,yea Ron Andrew or something.I want to find out more about this guy .Well , I want to make sure that this Ron Andrew is of good character.I am really concerned...
3rd guy ( who was reading the news paper ,sitting directly behind the old man , facing the opposite side ) : hey , gentlemen , sorry to interrupt your conversation , but can I ask you some thing ??
(camera zooms out and takes an aerial view and focussed the 3rd guy as if viewed from the eyes of the old man and first guy )
( the old man and the first guy look in bewilderment towards the 3rd guy )
O : Ya sure young man ,what do you want to know?
3rd guy : (looking at the old man ) Is your daughters name Nishcita Roy ??
O : Yes it is !! How on earth do you know ???!!Who are you
B :( 1st guy stands up in surprise and looks at the old man ) !! what ??
3rd guy : I am Ron Andrew and I am GAY ! and your daughter is behind me ..I haven’t got the guts to let her know that I am gay !!
(1st guy jumps of joy and goes on a laugh riot ! )
( old man looks stunned at Ron and then takes a look at the first guy )
O : now , what has gone into you????!!!
1st : I can’t believe this ! ,Well I was your daughters first love and this guy ((( pointing at Ron and pushing his chest ) ...your daughter ( looking and laughing at the old man ) your stupid daughter fell for this guy ..a GAY !..hahaha.Your daughter was right throughout , theres something about this guy , which I don’t have ..and thats he likes guys !
O : (looks amused at both directions , gives a blank expression and starts laughing )!!
Well well , life is stranger than fiction gentlemen !So. we have an interesting situation here , so Mr ?? ( looking at the first guy )
1st guy : Rohan sir ..
O: so Mr Rohan , would you like to be my son in law?
1st guy : in all regards sir , I would take the opportunity with both hands..
O : And you........(looks at Ron with staring eyes ) , would you like to hang out with me???...Am gay as well J
3rd: ( looks happy ) well well well..will do sir..I love older men !
O: lets celebrate this occasion..whres the bar??( all move in the direction of the bar !! )
The end --
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Theres no reality !!
Theres a wave beyond every reality
Truth is just a lie...
But does it matter..
its all in the mind.....thought just seem to leap..
out of nowwhre..
or is it from somewhre..
just that we r not aware..
but in the end..thres no reality ..up the goes gravity..
so said eminem...but then whos he for real..
or he just a lie...up the goes gravity....
....theres no reality..its just a falsity...theres no reality...up the goes gravity................................
Friday, April 16, 2010
Crack is the future ...
The tone in my head..
swaying into the darkness.
my head spins like a top..
these emotions...full of confusions...
is there no clarity..
is there no sanctity..
why ...why...does it ringggggg ...heeee..the bell begins to chideeeeeeee
these emotionssss ..full of confusionsss..
is there no clarity..
is there no santity..
madness rules the world..
fast paced is the path..
for the fools on the road.
gone are the days...
when slow paced was the race..
hell has broken loose..
wirings gone berserk in the brain..
crack is the nature..
of the future..
is there no clarity ..
is there no santity..
the bell begins to chide..
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Quantum physics and its implications !!

Einstein had proved the duality nature of light - that at times light takes up the property of a particle and at other times , it takes up the property of waves.
Schrodinger proved the wave nature of light thru the famous slit ray experiment in which the interference phenomena was theoretically proved , implying that light behaves like a wave.
Then , came up photon experiment through which it was proved that the behavior of the proton cannot be predicted before hand .The behavior of the proton changes when you observe it !!
In short , the "WORLD IS WHAT YOU SEE IT IS "..Nothing is real , or in Hinduism ,as they say, the whole world that you see is a maya or an illusion.
Physicists are yet to crack the mystery of how 2 particles , be it an electron , a photon even with a distance b/w them communicate.
Schrodinger developed a probability equation for finding a particular particle at a particular location at a particular point in time.Einstein was not happy with this concept.He will not live to see the day , when someone might come and prove that God does not exist !! or maybe that God does exist !!
The implications that come out of Quantum physics would be in tune with the law of cause and effect ( so as you sow, so you shall reap )....
So live on , and be wonderstruck of the implications of quantum physics and the strange but mircaulous ways of the universe. !!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Slowly , but steadily , Amaego ( thats what I call my Honda Unicorn ) came to the chaka circle, I had 2 options - head left and go home , head right and go to the Shangumugham beach and catch the sunset.I opted for the latter as I knew longer hours in the office were coming up next weeks.I have hardly seen 5 : 30 pm out of office in the last two and a half years since I started working , so din't want to waste this precious time.
Parked my bike beside a thattu kada and had a banan fry ( pazham pori ) as they call out here, and headed out ear to the beach.On the way , caught a lady selling grounduts fry , bought a packet and headed out to near the sea.
There's something amazing about the sea, its got a different life of its own , a couple of mins beside the sea and you are totally rejuvenated and ready to take on life.The sand had been pulled back a meter higher than the last time I was here ( that was 2 days back ! ) .On checking out with a localite , got the information that there was a kadal kopam ( means Anger of the sea ) last night and there was heavy tides resulting in the sand being pulled back.This again reiterates the fact how nature is all powerful and how humans often underestimate its power.
I was almost done with my groundnuts and threw the remaining pieces packed in a cover beside my feet.It was a matter of seconds before a crow glided down and sat besides the paper.It stared at me , quickly moved its head to left and right , and made the typical sound that only a crow can.The same process was repeated - looked at me , make the noise and off it took the paper with the groundnuts in a very proferssional manner and went back around 10 meters into the shore.It opened the paper which was folded in a manner of precision , stretched out the paper , stuck its beek into and quickly took in 4 to 5 groundnuts.Once this was done , it again did the same routine again - looked around , looked at me , made the noise .then dragged back the paper with the remaining groundnuts to a place behind a piece of log.
In a matter of seconds 2 more of his colleagues joined the crow and had the remaining feast of groundnuts.Whilst the colleagues started feasting on the groundnuts, the crow backed off and waited for his colleague to wrap up the meal.Once it was done, all the 3 flew back in to the skies again....
Well I think , theres a lesson in there for all folks -
1) Team work
2) Share your glory with others and allow people to be in the limelight.
Will be back with a new experience
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Todays world does not need individual superstars !
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Shadow of the day ......
with the heat of the deccan on my back
glarin at the lappy
thinking what to do
is there anything that i crave for
why am i living...
and the shadow of the day
will embrace the day in grey
soon the dark will come
but is there a change
is there no craving
soon the light will come
but is there still no change
the bag is there the lappy is there
the thoughts remain the same
and the shadow of the night
will embrace the day in grey
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Pythagoras !!
Pythagoras is room in Blore - its for you to find out where it is located.
How can you identify the room ?
Well lemee give you a clue , take a right after the barbeque nation at koramangala and go down the road , you would find a room with a pink towel hanging on the balcony .
Well explore pythagoras for would find a shoe rack with sneekers, you can never make out if someone is there or not in the house , coz there aint no light in there whether its day or night.
Another thin is once you come out of the room , you feel elated , you feel high..theres somethin in the air in that room ..there gotta find out for not gonna leak out the secret...
Theres also a magic room attached to the pythagoras room , its called a magic room coz thats where a lot of great ideas have been born in the past....
Mind you , you would get great ideas as well .. if you stay in that room ...
before i tell you more ..find out the room go there..find out for yourselves...
Let me know what you find..
You must be thinking I am gone nuts , but believe me Pythagoras is worth visiting.