Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Independence --- a quality which is overvalued in the West ?

We hear in the West , that being independent is the best quality that there should be.Kids move out of their home when they turn 16 and start working part time ,buy their own car and decide on every small detail of their life.Children are told to assert their independence even from young days at school.Parents are sued and put in prison if they scold the kids.

Independence does have its ups.It no doubt makes you self reliant and stops you being a nagger in life.However on the flip side, it makes you ruthlessly selfish and make up a mind of "My way or the highway".This ruthless pursuing of self interest is evident from small things in life to how countries like US pursue their foreign policy.Actors in Hollywood do not sign films on relationships,but through contractual agreements.The concept of true friendship based truly on trust is rarely visible.Below the hype and hoopla of laughter and glamour,we find celebrities who are insecure and depressed.The recent passing away of legendary actor Robin Williams reminds us of the same

As human beings,we all need a support system of family and friends to navigate us through life.Western thought forces you to retain your independence.A feed back system of friends and family would prevent cases of depression which is so high in the West.

With the world being globalized ,countries like India where a joint family system was prevalent till recently would do itself well if it doesn't fall into the traps& mistakes which the Western line of thought has made.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Calculated Risk taking - the one quality we all need to learn !

From my experience on Planet earth in around 30 odd years , I realize that taking calculated risks is one quality that will help you grow more than anything.

Majority of us have standard IQ's .Some of us might have a IQ more than 100.Most of us have graduated and are well read.With the advent of internet, we all have access to the same information.

Most of us get into a pattern of thinking of living a comfortable life with a good bank deposit and then when we hit the mid 40's ,the mid life crisis hits us hard.Then we realize that yes we did travel abroad,we did make a good bank deposit, we are sending our kids to the best schools available but at the end of the day , there's a hollow in our hearts.

To avoid that dooms day ,we all need to find our inner voice & take calculated risks and move out of our comfort zones.The worst that might happen is that we fail and break our backs.But we would be richer from our experience of going through it and emerge a stronger and wiser person.

Society forces us to live within its established standards which we should break through garnering courage which is already within us.Courage is not being fearless all the time.Fear would be there ,but to transcend it in spite of the presence of it is risk taking.Taking risks ,sharpens our intelligence ,makes us more reliable and confident.It makes life worth living.Take risks ....and live courageously !!

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Thursday, February 12, 2015

AIB - All India Backhod - Are Indians too easily offended ?

I happened to see a you tube video where Karan Johar along with Ranvir Singh ,Arjun Kapoor & the All India Bakchod Team takes on everything from religion to character assassination using lewdity to religious jokes.

I did find the concept immature.However ,nothing in the show made me feel offended or create a streak of violence within me.

As expected,the show created anger among the Shiv Sena & religious leaders from the Church.Lets explore the question on whether the Indian society and religious leaders are too easily offended ?

The ideal society is one where anything and everything can be ridiculed , laughed at ,mocked at ,dissected and still people can happily live with each other in peace.But I guess ,this would be an Utopian ideal.If we look at India's rich cultural past , the Natya Shastra clearly says that whatever is said & performed on the stage would not be used against the artists.

When artists were provided such freedom , we find that science ,arts,music & religion flourished.India is after all the land of the Kama-Sutra,Natya Shastra,Vedas,the Ayurveda,Yoga ,Mathematics ,Astronomy & a host of other sciences.

When most of India moved to Buddism at a point in History , Adi Shakararchary re-established Hinduism not through forceful conversion or through the power of the sword,but through the power of debate.India has one of the oldest churches & the mosques in the world.Indian culture was all absorbing.

Ridicule & debate was and should continue to be part of Indian society to retain its true essence.The fringe elements should be debarred from society.

Religious leaders are getting offended at the drop of a hat.After all this is a culture which always said that all paths lead to God and to retain that essence, the AIB should be allowed to continue their shows.

AIB should not have apologized to the Archdiocese of Bombay nor should they apologize to any Hindu or Islamic fringe groups.The Archdiocese should instead go onto youtube ,take a deep breath and view the number of videos where the Westerners make fun of religion and then laugh at this mystery called life.

Indian culture is so fundamentally strong that it has the power to absorb the good from AIB and discard the crap.Believe in that and move on Indians and stop getting offended for no reason.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Action plan for the Modi government - after the Delhi verdict

The BJP has been swept aside by the broom of AAP in Delhi.On the upside for BJP,their vote share has remained pretty much on the same level as last year.The clinching factor is that 15% of Congress votes has gone onto AAP.

The BJP should take stock of the situation and take corrective steps immediately.The honeymoon period is clearly over & opponents across the country will soon gang up.

Corrective actions that BJP should consider :

1)Put all the focus on the development agenda 

Narendra Modi has worked hard no doubt.But all his efforts so far has been on foreign affairs & gaining FDI which undoubtedly is good.However now its time for him to spent time in India and see to it that all the projects kick started is going as per schedule.FDI in infrastructure would bring in the money and jobs.However execution is the key.The government should plan to put out statistics and status of the projects on a time bound manner.

2)Budget 2015 

The Modi govt. should bring in a bold and common man friendly budget.The NITI aayog meetings that are being held with economic advisers are definitely in the right direction.However the meetings and discussions should result in a decisive budget.Modi Sarkaar cannot allow Naxalites like Kejriwal to run away with the Aam admi image.

5)Tax reform 

For decades ,the middle class has been at the receiving end of taxation's in India.Its time for Modi Sarkaar to cut down and simplify the taxation policies which will get the middle class back on its stronghold.

6)Control the fringe 

Modi government should send out show cause notices to the fringe elements like Sakshi Maharaj.The fringe is damaging the BJP's image especially among the youth who are into social media.

7)Bring in young leaders and entreapeuners 

There is a need to bring fresh young blood to BJP. More leaders of the genre of Devendra Fadnavis should come in.Modi would be close to 70 during the next elections and will not be able to go on forever.There definitely would come a time when BJP would need to think beyond Modi.

Narendra Modi govt should try to  bring in NRI's like Pranav Mistry onboard to suggest ideas of how technology can be further used.BJP was way ahead of the other parties in 2014 for the Lok Sabha elections.However the other parties have started using the social media effectively as shown by AAP in the Delhi elections campaign 2015.


In between all the hype and hoopla,do not forget that majority of India still lives in rural India .Hence priority on agriculture would need to stay on top of the mind.There is a talk in the media that Modi govt. is more for the corporates than for the common man.The land reform bill has been discussed and shown as evidence of this.Course correction would need to be applied asap for image of a government is critical when the elections arrive.

9)Foreign policy 

Continue engaging with China ,US and Russia without showing favoritism to any of these countries.Yes, there has been an excitement in US due to the Modi governments recent foreign affairs policy.But Modi will do well to remember that these new found friends will desert him in no time when time's change.

The US policy towards India will undergo a drastic change if the next president is a Republican.We all know how Hillary Clinton had a huge role to play in keeping Modi out of US for a decade.

Continue ignoring Pakistan and DO NOT engage in any form of debate.The Pakistanis will keep crying & call for discussions on Kashmir.They will keep running to UN for forcing a debate.However after Osama was caught red handed by US, Pakistan finds itself internationally isolated.India would however need to focus on ramping up the IB.Ajit Doval is the right man for the job.

10)Anti terror stance 

Develop a network of anti terror with US & Israel.The menace of Islamic terror is here to stay and BJP would need to work together with US & Israel to counter it.Taliban & ISIS would come knocking at India's border soon and we should be prepared.

Add to it the menace of Evangelicism thru. NGO's,youth being radicalized through online platforms,militancy in the North East. and Doval has his bag full.

Google & Technology taking charge of our life's.What does the future hold in store ?

Google has taken over our lives in every possible way.Time will tell whether its for good or bad , but the trend is unstoppable.The interface between the virtual and the real world is narrowing by the day.

Sample of a normal day in the future :

An automated system might capture your sleep patterns over the week and will set the alarm by itself.
Temperature on your bed sheet and room would be dynamically controlled depending on your snoring rate & stress levels, body hydration and a host of other factors you can think of.

Once you are awake , a virtual screen shows up on the wall showing your schedule for the day.If there are any cancelled appointments and you would want a change ,you can use your hand using a digital pen to write onto the wall.Such an action would dynamically update the information back onto the database.

Once you walk onto the bathroom the mirror would capture your mood looking at your facial expressions and muscle tension.A robotic voice might say out loud " Hey xxxx , you look shabby today , didn't you have a good nights sleep last night? Would you like a hot shower bath or a cold one "?You can keep up the discussion going with the automated voice during your shower.

Walk onto the kitchen table and you get a digital menu of the items in the fridge and the cupboards.You select bread & butter. A robotic arm pops up ,takes the bread and butter and spreads it out for as per your need.Once you have it , the display tells you that you had XX amount of calories.The data gets stored onto the database.

As you walk down the stairs, press the key to the garage ,the garage door would open and the car would come right where you want it to be waiting for you.Step onto the car ,and you can sit at the back seat.You feed in the destination to which you want to head and the car is on its way.You would have an option to strike up a conversation with the system as if a  chauffeur is in control.If the car is going too fast , you can say " Go slow buddy " and the car would reduce the speed to your comfort level.

Step onto the office and you find yet another display with all the tasks pending , calls to attend , people to meet.Step onto a coffee shop with google glass and you can browse using your eyes.Profiles of people that you meet would show up on google glass in front of your eyes.So , even before you say Hi to a stranger ,the complete profile of the person would be right in front of you.Phew !

Digital world has already conquered the 2 senses of sight and sound.Once the digital world can simulate the sense of touch ,smell and taste, we would be in a whole new universe.Sample this , you walk into your room and connects to your loved one over a call like Skype.A digital version of the person on the other end gets created right in front of you and you can touch that person.The day is not far when this would happen.

Technology might even replace judges in courts.The facts of the case would be put on the device and the system would scan onto all previous cases with similar judgments, evaluate the law and clauses and pronounce judgments. A country like India where there is severe shortage of judges and cases run for lifetimes would benefit immensely.Corruption can be brought down close to 0 by using technology in all the right fashion.

A digital version of a negotiator might even help husbands & wives , parents and children ,businessmen resolve differences !

On the flip side, such technology could be used for all the wrong reasons by terrorists and extremists.

So where would human relationships fit in with this?Let the grandest robots come up ,let technology spiral onto new heights ,but there would never be a substitute for feelings of love , gratitude ,hatred and all other complex emotions which are generated in a human mind.Finding a right blend between the digital and real world would be the key for the generations to come.

The possibilities are endless ....The future looks exciting & intimidating at the same time.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Extend your support to Raif Bidwai - a young blogger in Saudi Arabia

Raif Badawi is an independent young thinker in Saudi Arabia.Latest reports show that Badawi was sentenced to receive 1,000 lashes and has received 50 lashes so far for blogging against the Saudi regime.

Badawi ran a website called Free Saudi Liberals which questioned the regime & called for secularism.The website did not call for violence by any stretch of imagination.

How long will Saudi Arabia continue with these barbaric practices? We hear crazy news emanating from Saudi every other day.Read an article where a cleric was saying that women move around freely in the West as they don't mind getting raped.Another cleric issued a fatwa against building Snowmen as its against Islam.We can repeatedly see the gross mentality of the men in Saudi where the only objective is for them to eat and procreate.Women are treated as sex slaves.

Every lash that the Saudi regime puts on Raif's body is a lash against humane Muslims and sane people around the world who cherish independent thinking.Atheism is equated to terrorism in Saudi.Badawi inspite of being a practising Muslim is subjugated to this barbarianism.If I had written these words in Saudi Arabia, I would have been killed for apostasy along with thousands of lashes for free.Wahabi money is instilled all over the world with the sole objective of imposing a fundamental form of Islam which is proving to be a curse on humanity.

Countries like Brazil,Japan and India are fast working towards developing alternate sources of fuel to run automobiles.Hydrogen cells might just be the answer.Lets hope and pray that the world comes up with an alternate source of energy and the clerics and the Saudi regime might as well go back to their camels and tents.

Obama did a damn good job at being a hypocrite by coming over to India and preaching India on secularism and then keeping mum on the Saudi visit.Such double tactics will backfire on the West.After all he should not forget that most of the terrorists on the 9/11 attack were from Saudi.

Let us hope the times would change & young men like Badawi get to enjoy their day out in the sun.

Follow me on twitter @Anand10051985

Why Pakistan never beat India in a world cup cricket match ?

After all why hasn't Pakistan been able to beat India in a world cup cricket match yet?Pak lost against India in the 1992 world cup match as well.Pakistan with a strong line up including veterans - Javed Miandad,Imran Khan,Wasim Akram & Inzamam ul Haq eventually went onto win the trophy but put on a flop show against a weak Indian line up.

Pakistan then lost out to Ajay Jadeja's blitzkrieg in Bangalore in 1996 & against Sachin's onslaught in 2003.So why exactly does Pakistan lose out when it comes to the world cup?

Simple reason is for Pakistan, everything starts and ends with India.After all the nation itself has been carved out of India.The obsession with India forces Pakistani politicians to make dubious offers to the cricketers before the world cup , of the order -- 'If you beat India , you will get this , you will get that '. Add to this the chatter from the Press and former cricketers putting tons of pressure on the Pakistani cricketers.

They face so much pressure that the match is lost before it begins.The same happens on Pakistani news channels.99 % of their time is dedicated to Kashmir.The country is run by multiple governments - the ISI , the clerics , Nawaz Sharif ,the army .Pakistan is one of the few countries in the world which hasn't still been able to eliminate polio.There is a crisis on the healthcare and employment front.Google recently released stats which shows the Pakistan leads the list of countries which watches the highest amount of porn.

Pakistanis piss in their pants once you raise your voice on debates.The same happens on the Cricket field.The Siddhu - Aaamir Sohail spat in Sharjah comes to mind.Siddhu & Sachin had strung up a double century partnership when Aamir Sohail made the carnal mistake of walking upto Siddhu and say " Baaaa#@#@# bach gaya " . All hell broke loose and Siddhu charged towards Sohail with a bat on his hand.Sohail called for peace.

Pakistan might as well win a world cup ,but close to no chance to win a match against India in a Worldcup as they treat this match as dooms day and a matter of existence.In the process,they make a mess out of it ....Will they turn the tables this time round ?

Will the liberal Muslim please stand up ? India & the world needs you now more than ever

Islam is at a cross roads in History at this point in time.The West is facing the music of Islamic terror.
The world needs to face up to the horrendous monster cropping up its ugly face in various shapes and names.At this point in time,more than governments ,the solution lies with the Muslims who are liberals.Its time for them to stand up ,take stock of the situation and condemn and ACT against the fanaticism threatening the world.

We just cannot go on saying that 'Islam has nothing to do with violence ' , 'Women should be treated well as per Islam 'etc  .The below diagram are few of the statements that we come across in social media when you counter Muslims on the challenge of global terror.

Obviously no one is saying that majority of Muslims are radical.But the point is the liberals never mattered when 9/11 happened , when the 7/7 London bombings occurred, when ISIS took over Syria ,when terrorists from Pakistan did the Mumbai attacks and went on rampage in the Jew colony or when many of youth are being led into radicalization.Its time to look at the problem in the eye and do a reform from within Islam and no one can do it other than the Liberal Muslim.

The West is not helping matters with the likes of Obama coming to India and warning India on maintaining its cultural heritage and then going onto Saudi Arabia and remaining mum.This double standards will not help.

India has for centuries faced barbaric Islamic invasions and the West for the first time is recently feeling the pinch.From India's standpoint ,she would need to join forces who are in the same boat and target to wipe out this menace ,by talking into confidence the secular Muslims in India.

Cowing down to Islamic threats and terrors will not help.After the recent Charlie Hebdo attacks, the media in my opinion should have published cartoons against all religions of the world. Islam should stop getting paranoid about ridicule nor should the Hindus nor should Christians or any other community.

God has given man a brain to ridicule himself ,laugh at himself ,laugh at others and make creativity out of everything and anything.Islam needs to grow out of its victim hood mentality and stop getting offended at the drop of a hat.

Shashi Tharoor & Arundhati Roy & Afzal Guru - defending terrorists is secularism ?

Recently , Shashi Tharoor expressed regret at the way the news of  hanging of Afzal Guru was conveyed to his family.Dr Tharoor seems to have lost his mind ever since he has been in interrogated in the Sunanda Pushkar murder case.Or is he being blackmailed by people across the border involved in the IPL case to make weird statements like this ?I wonder what prompted Tharoor to raise this irrelevant issue at this point in time.

The next day we find Arundhati Roy writing an article for the Hindu about Guru's hanging and doing a thorough post mortem.

Does Tharoor and Arundhati still think that showing sympathy for  terrorists would appease the minorities ? UPA got drubbed and these folks are still doing psycho analysis of the hows and why of terrorists.

The fact is the Courts of India found Afzal Guru guilty of aiding the Parliament attacks of India.Period.

Yes, Supreme court said that the evidence is circumstantial, but it also said something more, which Ms.Roy conveniently ignores, since it won't fit her narrative. 

Here is the complete version: 

“As is the case with most of the conspiracies, there is and could be 
no direct evidence of the agreement amounting to criminal conspiracy. 
However, the circumstances cumulatively considered and weighed, would 
unerringly point to the collaboration of the accused Afzal Guru with 
the slain ‘Fidayeen’ terrorists. The circumstances, if considered 
together, as it ought to be, establish beyond reasonable doubt that 
Afzal Guru was a party to the conspiracy and had played an active part 
in various acts done in furtherance of the conspiracy,”

It is childish of Arundhati Roy to dissect the Supreme court verdict as per her whims & fancies.Arundhati should learn that in most terrorist cases, circumstantial evidence holds the key.You will not find a Kasab walking on the road shooting people everyday to make a clear cut case.

Where were the likes of Arundhati Roy and Tharoor when the SriKrishna Commission report found Modi not involved in the Gujarat riots.Arundhati should worry more about the families of  8 security personnel and 1 gardener who lost their lifes in the vicious attack.

In any other country ,both Tharoor & Arundhati would have been tried for treason for talking gibberish and cherry picking the verdicts of the Supreme court.Afzal Guru was represented by a lawyer not less than Ram Jethmalani.The judges are much wiser than Roy for sure.

Pseudo intellectuals can no more survive in India.Times have changed since 2004 Arundhati.Wake up.As of Tharoor,what can I say ? A bright man caught up in all the wrong issues.

Afzal Guru never consulted the family of the innocents slain in the Parliament attack when he was hatching up the conspiracy !

Jai Hind
Follow me on twitter at @Anand10051985

Monday, February 9, 2015

Thanks AAP for making Delhi #CongressMukht

Thanks AAP for making Delhi #Congress Mukht !!

Well ,we have to give to give it to Mufflerman for coming back to the corridors of power in Delhi.Narendra Modi has to be given credit for coming forward and congratulating Kejriwal immediately after the results were proclaimed.

Now ,that Mufflerman has been thrust onto the corridors of power, he would realize that running a government is not as simple as running a Dharna.AAP has made tall promises of providing free wifi to all Delhi,  providing a makaan for everyone.AAP with a rudderless team would have a damn tough job living upto the promises.Its clear that Delhi has voted emotionally.Its to be seen if emotion can be moved to action on the ground.

In between,Congress has been decimated to 0 seats.For that , thanks Kejriwal and Co for working in parallel with BJP's vision of #CongressMukhtBharat.Amit Shah must be smiling in private.I find it staggering that Congress supporters instead of introspecting where their seats vanished are looking at the results of BJP !!

Many of the AAPtards (Ex-Congress fans ) jumping around in joy are silently feeling the pain of realizing the grave truth that Grand old SICKULAR party will never be back in power for a long long time.

Vedanta & Evolution - Is there a synergy ?

Vedanta and evolution have a lot of meeting ground.But these 2 ideas differ in some other key areas.Lets explore :

1.Evolution is always followed by Involution : 

As per Vedanta before process of evolution ,there has to be an Involution.As per the theory proposed by the ancient sages of India , if you can understand the microcosm, you can definitely understand the macrocosm. ie Under this magnificent reality that we experience, there is a principle of generalization.A tree grows from a seed and goes back to the seed and the cycle continues.Mountains arise out of fine grains of sand and mountains get churned back to sand as rivers crush them over millenia.Hence , the theory proposes that the gross always follows the fine.The tree had come out of the the universe that we see and experience in its current form existed prior to this state in a fine form.The Western theory proposes that the gross form came out of the fine form through a Big Bang.But Vedanta proposes that ,yes the Bing Bang is indeed true , but prior to the Big Bang ,there existed another universe in a grosser form and prior to that another universe in finer form and so on.Hence time is infinite and eternal.If Richard Dawkins can shake hands with this theory , he would instantly turn into a Vedantin!

2)Competition is not a necessary condition for evolution :

This is another point where Vedanta takes a differing view compared to evolution.As per Darwin,"Survival of the fittest" is the basis of evolution and its always the fittest and most adaptable that survives.Vedanta points out that evolution can occur without competition as well.If we apply the competition to the animal kingdom , we can find that this theory is correct.The fittest & most adaptable species indeed survives.However,when you apply this to humanity ,the theory fails.Consider a movie theater where people are seated to full capacity.If a fire breaks out in the theater , if people compete with each other and try to arrive at the door for escaping,a good number of people might get trampled and lose their life.Instead ,if the people moved out in a systematic way without unnecessary competition,everyone would have made their way out without mutual damage.Competition as per Vedanta is unnecessary for evolution.

3)Concept of the 10 Avatars of Vishnu :

This concept of Hindu mythology falls in line with the evolution of life .The avatars in their order
are :
a.Matsya Avatar        : The first life forms as we know occurred on water.
b.Koorma Avatar      : Life extended from the fish form to a tortoise.
c.Varaha Avatar        : Life extended to land where the boar came into being.
d.Vamana Avatar      : The first human came onto the dwarf form.
e.Parasurama Avatar : This avatar is shown as a primitive man and as a hunter with not much control over emotions.
f.Rama Avatar           : Humanity started to form civilizations and started settling down near fertile pieces of land.Morals and dictates came into being.Rama is considered as the epitome of morality.
g.Krishna Avatar       : As time went on , human beings started thinking in more complex terms.Art,war,complex strategies,management,psychological warfare  and may other aspects of humanity took full shape and we see Krishna as a master lover,strategist,warrior,statesman.
h.Kalki Avatar           : This might be a human form or a shift in consciousness in life which would start the next cycles of creation or projection of the universe. ie The universe would go back into the potential form & stay in that mode for 4.5 billion years before the next PROJECTION begins (the word projection would be a better word rather than CREATION ).This principle is in sync with the Le Chatliers principle as per which a system which has lost equilibrium would try to return to equilibrium.When you shake water which is static , water tends to return to the original state.The concept of avatars is as per this principle in which avatars incarnate whenever righteousness goes out of balance.

Hence we see that through the avatars that its not EVOLUTION OF MATTER BUT EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS that Vedanta stresses on.The Western world is still stuck up with the theories of Evolution of matter.

Dawkins would do himself good if he can flex his neural muscles to understand that matter comes from mind and not vice-versa.

Follow me on twitter @Anand10051985

Real issues getting covered up the media by keeping us all drugged to irrelevant news ?

Switch on the electronic media for any worthwhile news and all you get is loud debates with little take aways , sleaze & gossip from the film industry.In fact , turn on the newshour at prime time in India and you would find Arnab shouting his throat out.There is a joke going around these days that 'Silence is the absence of Arnab'.On other channels Sagarika ,Rajdeep and Burkha would be competing with even more silly topics like - 'Why dint' Modi accept a Topi which was offered by a person from the minority ?'  etc.

Besides raising the TRP ,the media is doing a damn good job at keeping the people drugged to irrelevant issues and keeping the common man's real issues out of the limelight.

Some of the headings I can remember from the top of the head are :

1)Aishwarya and Salman Khan comes face to face in YRF studios -- This was debated over and over again as if the beggar on the street cares.

2)Laalism -- Poor Mohanlal was caught in the midst of a controversy in the National Games held at Kerala.Agreed that his show was a flop ,but the media took it and debated it over and over again ,instead of looking into the murky dealings of the National Games .This also proved a good cover for KM Maani who was under the firing line.

3)Barack Obama' comes to Republic Day in a beast -- The media was debating on the beast as if it was the first 4 wheeler on the road.

My point is that our common man is fed with low quality intellectual debates and is eating up into their personal free time with no value add.At the same time , the real issues haunting the public are kept in the shadows.How many of us remember seeing stories of common man, agriculture , health care ,women's rights being debated and investigated on prime time?

Thankfully for us ,the arrival of smart phones and social media is gradually transferring the power to the hands and minds of the man on the street and a psychoanalysis of the media is being done in social media circuits.The media has had its share of monopoly and now its time to reverse the games.

Anand SK
Follow me on twitter at @Anand10051985

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Why parents have no right to decide the religion of their Children

I might be proposing an Utopian idea,but then its better to propose an idea rather than keeping mum and passing on from existence.Religion has done humanity more harm than any other factor over the centuries.I am not a fool to believe that a day will come when humanity lives in Utopian bliss , but we can at least try to make the world a better place while we are here.

Most people follow the faiths that they are born into.If you are born into a Hindu family,chances are that you will follow Hinduism, similarly if you are born to practicing Muslims,you would take up Islam and so on.This is a blind practice which parents impose on their children.Teaching and forcing tenets of a religion to innocent young minds is child abuse in my opinion.And what of the parents?They are following their faith because their parents followed the same and the cycle goes on.Thus the possibility of a child opening up his or her mind is brought to null.

I am suggesting a scenario where schools teach all children about different religions,about agnostic views,about atheism ,about the good and bad that religion has done to the world.There is no bigger testimony to an idea than the events in History.A child should be given an opportunity to learn history &  present his moral and spiritual views at different ages  - say 15, 20 ,25 , 30.He/She should also be given the flexibility to choose a faith which is different from his parents.He/She should also be given the option of moving from an agnostic to a believer to an atheist.

When a person learns about different approaches and faiths , the plasticity of the brain automatically increases and the person becomes more receptive to ideas ,criticisms and new lines of thought.Such a brain would discard superstitions and any practice that claims exclusivity to God.

I myself over my course of life at various points have switched between being an agnostic to a non believer to a hard core believer and I admit that my concept of God changes over and over again.I am sure its the same for majority of human beings.But many of them have been brainwashed from childhood over exclusive ideas to God & carry on practices which have been fed into their sub conscious from childhood without ever getting a chance to question why they do what they do.

I firmly believe that more the plasticity in the brain , the lesser of fundamentalism there would be on mother Earth leading to a more peaceful life.

Hope that day is not far when human beings can laugh at all Gods including the one's their parents worship for the Gods would be laughing when you are laughing.

Anand SK
Follow me on twitter at @Anand10051985

Delhi Elections 2015 -- My take

The Delhi elections 2015 is turning out to be an interesting affair.

AAP followers' moods seems to have gone overboard after majority of the opinion polls show a clear majority for AAP.Satta Bazaar's polls seem to the only one favouring the BJP.

Kejriwal seems to have made an emotional connect with the people of Delhi.Credit has to be given where its due.Kejriwal has worked among the masses.However he has a lot to explain with his running away from responsibility after 49 days of rule in Delhi.After the resignation fiasco, Kejriwal ran to Varanasi to contest against Modi & promised the people there that he would be with them through thick and thin.Once he got ousted from Varanasi, Mufflerman is back in the streets of Delhi.

So ,what exactly has changed in the last 1 year since BJP swept the Lok Sabha elections?

Narendra Modi has moved onto creating solid relationships with countries abroad  - be it his rockstar reception at Times Square , setting up a rapport with Shinzo Abe, the Japanese PM , Tony Abbot ,the Australian Prime Minister , his new found camaraderie with Barack Obama. To help matters for the BJP,the dropping prices of oil has brought down inflation and stepped up the GDP by a notch.The Modi wave as the media calls it has worked in Jharkand,Maharashtra and J&K.Modi has also decided to put in a stranglehold and check on the NGO's posting anti national activities which is inviting the wrath of the leaders of these NGO's from abroad.

In between all this ,Congress seems to have decimated out of sight.Most of the Congress followers seem to have migrated to the AAP camp,secretly hoping and praying for an UPA revival.The opinion polls show that Congress might land up with 4 - 5 seats in the Delhi 2015 elections.The Congress followers these days seem to keep themselves busy by posting photos of Narendra Modi and finding a crack in his armour by hook or crook.

AAP has taken over the Congress of playing the good cop in the country on "Secularism "

 ' Secularism ' -This is one word which has been prostituted by the UPA for the last 10 years.Secularism came to be meant as appeasing the Christian and Muslim communities at the cost of the Hindus.The arrest of the Jayendra Saraswati was a classic case of hate against the Hindu community followed by the UPA lead by Sonia Gandhi.There was a hue and cry in the media against the Kanchi Mutt when Jayendra Saraswati was falsely framed and the Karan Thapars , Bharka Dutts were all working overtime on this news.Recently , the case was dismissed and Shankaracharya was let go without any evidence and not even one debate or news headline was shown  on the so called secular media channels.

There were cases of some Churches being vandalised in Delhi close to the Delhi election.The UPA and AAP have been calling for the Prime Minister to come on the floor of the house and give an assurance.Modi has rightly ignored such frantic desperate calls.Reports from Mangalore show a case of a Church which was vandalised by goons of sides from an anti-Modi camp.The Secularists are obviously blind to these reports.I personally find it too much of a coincidence that Churches are vandalised just prior to the Delhi elections and Barack Obama's visit.

The Ghar Wapsi event being carried on by VHP and RSS have also invoked the wrath of the secularists.As expected ,this provided another tipping point to the Bishops of various associations to head to Delhi to meet Modi.Many of them expressed their concerns.However , the stand of the Modi Sarkaar on this issue has been that this is an issue the State Govt has to take care of.Venkaiah Naidu did a damn good job of proposing for an "An anti conversion bill " if the secularists are so concerned.Well ,obviously the Bishops would go jobless if there is an anti conversion bill brought in.Their stand seems to be that conversion is legal but re-conversion is illegal.Rajiv Malhotra has brought all the anti-India forces well in his books "Invading the Sacred"  &  "Breaking India".John Dayal recently played the good cop on a debate with Rajiv & Madhu Kishwar.Once back home after the debate ,Dayal took to twitter and started playing the bad cop as expected questioning and attacking Rajiv on his facts and figures.I for once understood that Dayal has 0 intellectual acumen and is just a dummy posted by funds from abroad.

I personally had a spat with Vishal Mangalwadi ,another Evangelical who is spreading lies on facebook and twitter and posted a response to his talk on "How Bible created Modern India' 

Mangalwadi didn't anticipate a backlash to his hate speech.The video cross over 800 views and still rising inspite of me being a nobody.Well ,this proves the power of social media.With Mainstream media with all its lobbying , the social media has changed the equations of power.The Evangelicals can no more spread venom and hate and hope to get away with it.

So, the point I was coming to was AAP now seems to have taken up the Sickular plank from Congress.Meanwhile Kejriwal seems to be making the same mistake Congress did.Bowing down to crazy Mullahs and Bishops to get the minority vote.Kejriwal and AAPtards would do well to learn from the mistakes of the UPA routing.

The Congress has jumped on the opinion polls & has concluded that the Modi bandwagon,wave is coming to a screeching halt.BJP on the other hand would do well to introspect if they could have called for a re-election in Delhi after last years Lok Sabha polls.Another point worth debating was if bring in Kiran Bedi was a right move.Amit Shah ,did pull in a master stroke by pitting Bedi against Kejriwal ,thus stripping AAP of the opportunity to attack BJP as a party without a leader in Delhi.But insider reports suggest that the cadre were not too happy with Bedi being inducted at such a late point in the campaigning.

So,let's assume that AAP comes back to power.How does it change the equations of power ?

BJP would be forced to re-work on their ideas of the Budget which is coming up.BJP will do well to ensure that AAP does not run away with the image of the party catering to the common man.Arun Jaitley would be forced to put in reforms more for the "Garib aadmi".

What are the weaknesses of AAP ?
AAP has so far not inspired beyond its position of anarchy.Kejrwal has so far played the role of anarchist to the core.He has worked on the Shoot & Scoot policy so far.Once he is thrust onto the hot seat, it remains to be seen how Kejri can drive his team.Many of AAP's initial founders like Kiran Bedi ,Shazia Ilmi  &  a host of other leaders have deserted AAP citing Kejriwals anarchist style of functioning.Kejriwal would need to groom young blood if AAP has to become a force to reckon with.

On a closing note , resurgence of AAP has given a safe hiding place for Congress followers who are down in the sewers.Lets hope and pray that God instills some good sense into Kejriwal for the good of India as at this moment he looks set to reclaim Delhi after deserting it once.

My personal prediction is that Kejri's govt would fall in short time as it has no administrative experience and has no leaders with vision.Lets wait & watch what the future upholds for Delhi

Jai Hind
Anand SK