Sunday, February 8, 2015

Delhi Elections 2015 -- My take

The Delhi elections 2015 is turning out to be an interesting affair.

AAP followers' moods seems to have gone overboard after majority of the opinion polls show a clear majority for AAP.Satta Bazaar's polls seem to the only one favouring the BJP.

Kejriwal seems to have made an emotional connect with the people of Delhi.Credit has to be given where its due.Kejriwal has worked among the masses.However he has a lot to explain with his running away from responsibility after 49 days of rule in Delhi.After the resignation fiasco, Kejriwal ran to Varanasi to contest against Modi & promised the people there that he would be with them through thick and thin.Once he got ousted from Varanasi, Mufflerman is back in the streets of Delhi.

So ,what exactly has changed in the last 1 year since BJP swept the Lok Sabha elections?

Narendra Modi has moved onto creating solid relationships with countries abroad  - be it his rockstar reception at Times Square , setting up a rapport with Shinzo Abe, the Japanese PM , Tony Abbot ,the Australian Prime Minister , his new found camaraderie with Barack Obama. To help matters for the BJP,the dropping prices of oil has brought down inflation and stepped up the GDP by a notch.The Modi wave as the media calls it has worked in Jharkand,Maharashtra and J&K.Modi has also decided to put in a stranglehold and check on the NGO's posting anti national activities which is inviting the wrath of the leaders of these NGO's from abroad.

In between all this ,Congress seems to have decimated out of sight.Most of the Congress followers seem to have migrated to the AAP camp,secretly hoping and praying for an UPA revival.The opinion polls show that Congress might land up with 4 - 5 seats in the Delhi 2015 elections.The Congress followers these days seem to keep themselves busy by posting photos of Narendra Modi and finding a crack in his armour by hook or crook.

AAP has taken over the Congress of playing the good cop in the country on "Secularism "

 ' Secularism ' -This is one word which has been prostituted by the UPA for the last 10 years.Secularism came to be meant as appeasing the Christian and Muslim communities at the cost of the Hindus.The arrest of the Jayendra Saraswati was a classic case of hate against the Hindu community followed by the UPA lead by Sonia Gandhi.There was a hue and cry in the media against the Kanchi Mutt when Jayendra Saraswati was falsely framed and the Karan Thapars , Bharka Dutts were all working overtime on this news.Recently , the case was dismissed and Shankaracharya was let go without any evidence and not even one debate or news headline was shown  on the so called secular media channels.

There were cases of some Churches being vandalised in Delhi close to the Delhi election.The UPA and AAP have been calling for the Prime Minister to come on the floor of the house and give an assurance.Modi has rightly ignored such frantic desperate calls.Reports from Mangalore show a case of a Church which was vandalised by goons of sides from an anti-Modi camp.The Secularists are obviously blind to these reports.I personally find it too much of a coincidence that Churches are vandalised just prior to the Delhi elections and Barack Obama's visit.

The Ghar Wapsi event being carried on by VHP and RSS have also invoked the wrath of the secularists.As expected ,this provided another tipping point to the Bishops of various associations to head to Delhi to meet Modi.Many of them expressed their concerns.However , the stand of the Modi Sarkaar on this issue has been that this is an issue the State Govt has to take care of.Venkaiah Naidu did a damn good job of proposing for an "An anti conversion bill " if the secularists are so concerned.Well ,obviously the Bishops would go jobless if there is an anti conversion bill brought in.Their stand seems to be that conversion is legal but re-conversion is illegal.Rajiv Malhotra has brought all the anti-India forces well in his books "Invading the Sacred"  &  "Breaking India".John Dayal recently played the good cop on a debate with Rajiv & Madhu Kishwar.Once back home after the debate ,Dayal took to twitter and started playing the bad cop as expected questioning and attacking Rajiv on his facts and figures.I for once understood that Dayal has 0 intellectual acumen and is just a dummy posted by funds from abroad.

I personally had a spat with Vishal Mangalwadi ,another Evangelical who is spreading lies on facebook and twitter and posted a response to his talk on "How Bible created Modern India' 

Mangalwadi didn't anticipate a backlash to his hate speech.The video cross over 800 views and still rising inspite of me being a nobody.Well ,this proves the power of social media.With Mainstream media with all its lobbying , the social media has changed the equations of power.The Evangelicals can no more spread venom and hate and hope to get away with it.

So, the point I was coming to was AAP now seems to have taken up the Sickular plank from Congress.Meanwhile Kejriwal seems to be making the same mistake Congress did.Bowing down to crazy Mullahs and Bishops to get the minority vote.Kejriwal and AAPtards would do well to learn from the mistakes of the UPA routing.

The Congress has jumped on the opinion polls & has concluded that the Modi bandwagon,wave is coming to a screeching halt.BJP on the other hand would do well to introspect if they could have called for a re-election in Delhi after last years Lok Sabha polls.Another point worth debating was if bring in Kiran Bedi was a right move.Amit Shah ,did pull in a master stroke by pitting Bedi against Kejriwal ,thus stripping AAP of the opportunity to attack BJP as a party without a leader in Delhi.But insider reports suggest that the cadre were not too happy with Bedi being inducted at such a late point in the campaigning.

So,let's assume that AAP comes back to power.How does it change the equations of power ?

BJP would be forced to re-work on their ideas of the Budget which is coming up.BJP will do well to ensure that AAP does not run away with the image of the party catering to the common man.Arun Jaitley would be forced to put in reforms more for the "Garib aadmi".

What are the weaknesses of AAP ?
AAP has so far not inspired beyond its position of anarchy.Kejrwal has so far played the role of anarchist to the core.He has worked on the Shoot & Scoot policy so far.Once he is thrust onto the hot seat, it remains to be seen how Kejri can drive his team.Many of AAP's initial founders like Kiran Bedi ,Shazia Ilmi  &  a host of other leaders have deserted AAP citing Kejriwals anarchist style of functioning.Kejriwal would need to groom young blood if AAP has to become a force to reckon with.

On a closing note , resurgence of AAP has given a safe hiding place for Congress followers who are down in the sewers.Lets hope and pray that God instills some good sense into Kejriwal for the good of India as at this moment he looks set to reclaim Delhi after deserting it once.

My personal prediction is that Kejri's govt would fall in short time as it has no administrative experience and has no leaders with vision.Lets wait & watch what the future upholds for Delhi

Jai Hind
Anand SK


Dr. Rekha Jithin said...

Good one..

Dr. Rekha Jithin said...

Dint know that u write so well.. keep up d good work

Anand said...

thanks Rekha

Mridu said...

Great work man keep exposing the anti national elements who hide in the veil of sikularisim...jai hind

Anand said...

Thanks Das.