Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Shashi Tharoor & Arundhati Roy & Afzal Guru - defending terrorists is secularism ?

Recently , Shashi Tharoor expressed regret at the way the news of  hanging of Afzal Guru was conveyed to his family.Dr Tharoor seems to have lost his mind ever since he has been in interrogated in the Sunanda Pushkar murder case.Or is he being blackmailed by people across the border involved in the IPL case to make weird statements like this ?I wonder what prompted Tharoor to raise this irrelevant issue at this point in time.

The next day we find Arundhati Roy writing an article for the Hindu about Guru's hanging and doing a thorough post mortem.

Does Tharoor and Arundhati still think that showing sympathy for  terrorists would appease the minorities ? UPA got drubbed and these folks are still doing psycho analysis of the hows and why of terrorists.

The fact is the Courts of India found Afzal Guru guilty of aiding the Parliament attacks of India.Period.

Yes, Supreme court said that the evidence is circumstantial, but it also said something more, which Ms.Roy conveniently ignores, since it won't fit her narrative. 

Here is the complete version: 

“As is the case with most of the conspiracies, there is and could be 
no direct evidence of the agreement amounting to criminal conspiracy. 
However, the circumstances cumulatively considered and weighed, would 
unerringly point to the collaboration of the accused Afzal Guru with 
the slain ‘Fidayeen’ terrorists. The circumstances, if considered 
together, as it ought to be, establish beyond reasonable doubt that 
Afzal Guru was a party to the conspiracy and had played an active part 
in various acts done in furtherance of the conspiracy,”

It is childish of Arundhati Roy to dissect the Supreme court verdict as per her whims & fancies.Arundhati should learn that in most terrorist cases, circumstantial evidence holds the key.You will not find a Kasab walking on the road shooting people everyday to make a clear cut case.

Where were the likes of Arundhati Roy and Tharoor when the SriKrishna Commission report found Modi not involved in the Gujarat riots.Arundhati should worry more about the families of  8 security personnel and 1 gardener who lost their lifes in the vicious attack.

In any other country ,both Tharoor & Arundhati would have been tried for treason for talking gibberish and cherry picking the verdicts of the Supreme court.Afzal Guru was represented by a lawyer not less than Ram Jethmalani.The judges are much wiser than Roy for sure.

Pseudo intellectuals can no more survive in India.Times have changed since 2004 Arundhati.Wake up.As of Tharoor,what can I say ? A bright man caught up in all the wrong issues.

Afzal Guru never consulted the family of the innocents slain in the Parliament attack when he was hatching up the conspiracy !

Jai Hind
Follow me on twitter at @Anand10051985

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