Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Extend your support to Raif Bidwai - a young blogger in Saudi Arabia

Raif Badawi is an independent young thinker in Saudi Arabia.Latest reports show that Badawi was sentenced to receive 1,000 lashes and has received 50 lashes so far for blogging against the Saudi regime.

Badawi ran a website called Free Saudi Liberals which questioned the regime & called for secularism.The website did not call for violence by any stretch of imagination.

How long will Saudi Arabia continue with these barbaric practices? We hear crazy news emanating from Saudi every other day.Read an article where a cleric was saying that women move around freely in the West as they don't mind getting raped.Another cleric issued a fatwa against building Snowmen as its against Islam.We can repeatedly see the gross mentality of the men in Saudi where the only objective is for them to eat and procreate.Women are treated as sex slaves.

Every lash that the Saudi regime puts on Raif's body is a lash against humane Muslims and sane people around the world who cherish independent thinking.Atheism is equated to terrorism in Saudi.Badawi inspite of being a practising Muslim is subjugated to this barbarianism.If I had written these words in Saudi Arabia, I would have been killed for apostasy along with thousands of lashes for free.Wahabi money is instilled all over the world with the sole objective of imposing a fundamental form of Islam which is proving to be a curse on humanity.

Countries like Brazil,Japan and India are fast working towards developing alternate sources of fuel to run automobiles.Hydrogen cells might just be the answer.Lets hope and pray that the world comes up with an alternate source of energy and the clerics and the Saudi regime might as well go back to their camels and tents.

Obama did a damn good job at being a hypocrite by coming over to India and preaching India on secularism and then keeping mum on the Saudi visit.Such double tactics will backfire on the West.After all he should not forget that most of the terrorists on the 9/11 attack were from Saudi.

Let us hope the times would change & young men like Badawi get to enjoy their day out in the sun.

Follow me on twitter @Anand10051985

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