Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Action plan for the Modi government - after the Delhi verdict

The BJP has been swept aside by the broom of AAP in Delhi.On the upside for BJP,their vote share has remained pretty much on the same level as last year.The clinching factor is that 15% of Congress votes has gone onto AAP.

The BJP should take stock of the situation and take corrective steps immediately.The honeymoon period is clearly over & opponents across the country will soon gang up.

Corrective actions that BJP should consider :

1)Put all the focus on the development agenda 

Narendra Modi has worked hard no doubt.But all his efforts so far has been on foreign affairs & gaining FDI which undoubtedly is good.However now its time for him to spent time in India and see to it that all the projects kick started is going as per schedule.FDI in infrastructure would bring in the money and jobs.However execution is the key.The government should plan to put out statistics and status of the projects on a time bound manner.

2)Budget 2015 

The Modi govt. should bring in a bold and common man friendly budget.The NITI aayog meetings that are being held with economic advisers are definitely in the right direction.However the meetings and discussions should result in a decisive budget.Modi Sarkaar cannot allow Naxalites like Kejriwal to run away with the Aam admi image.

5)Tax reform 

For decades ,the middle class has been at the receiving end of taxation's in India.Its time for Modi Sarkaar to cut down and simplify the taxation policies which will get the middle class back on its stronghold.

6)Control the fringe 

Modi government should send out show cause notices to the fringe elements like Sakshi Maharaj.The fringe is damaging the BJP's image especially among the youth who are into social media.

7)Bring in young leaders and entreapeuners 

There is a need to bring fresh young blood to BJP. More leaders of the genre of Devendra Fadnavis should come in.Modi would be close to 70 during the next elections and will not be able to go on forever.There definitely would come a time when BJP would need to think beyond Modi.

Narendra Modi govt should try to  bring in NRI's like Pranav Mistry onboard to suggest ideas of how technology can be further used.BJP was way ahead of the other parties in 2014 for the Lok Sabha elections.However the other parties have started using the social media effectively as shown by AAP in the Delhi elections campaign 2015.


In between all the hype and hoopla,do not forget that majority of India still lives in rural India .Hence priority on agriculture would need to stay on top of the mind.There is a talk in the media that Modi govt. is more for the corporates than for the common man.The land reform bill has been discussed and shown as evidence of this.Course correction would need to be applied asap for image of a government is critical when the elections arrive.

9)Foreign policy 

Continue engaging with China ,US and Russia without showing favoritism to any of these countries.Yes, there has been an excitement in US due to the Modi governments recent foreign affairs policy.But Modi will do well to remember that these new found friends will desert him in no time when time's change.

The US policy towards India will undergo a drastic change if the next president is a Republican.We all know how Hillary Clinton had a huge role to play in keeping Modi out of US for a decade.

Continue ignoring Pakistan and DO NOT engage in any form of debate.The Pakistanis will keep crying & call for discussions on Kashmir.They will keep running to UN for forcing a debate.However after Osama was caught red handed by US, Pakistan finds itself internationally isolated.India would however need to focus on ramping up the IB.Ajit Doval is the right man for the job.

10)Anti terror stance 

Develop a network of anti terror with US & Israel.The menace of Islamic terror is here to stay and BJP would need to work together with US & Israel to counter it.Taliban & ISIS would come knocking at India's border soon and we should be prepared.

Add to it the menace of Evangelicism thru. NGO's,youth being radicalized through online platforms,militancy in the North East. and Doval has his bag full.

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