Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Google & Technology taking charge of our life's.What does the future hold in store ?

Google has taken over our lives in every possible way.Time will tell whether its for good or bad , but the trend is unstoppable.The interface between the virtual and the real world is narrowing by the day.

Sample of a normal day in the future :

An automated system might capture your sleep patterns over the week and will set the alarm by itself.
Temperature on your bed sheet and room would be dynamically controlled depending on your snoring rate & stress levels, body hydration and a host of other factors you can think of.

Once you are awake , a virtual screen shows up on the wall showing your schedule for the day.If there are any cancelled appointments and you would want a change ,you can use your hand using a digital pen to write onto the wall.Such an action would dynamically update the information back onto the database.

Once you walk onto the bathroom the mirror would capture your mood looking at your facial expressions and muscle tension.A robotic voice might say out loud " Hey xxxx , you look shabby today , didn't you have a good nights sleep last night? Would you like a hot shower bath or a cold one "?You can keep up the discussion going with the automated voice during your shower.

Walk onto the kitchen table and you get a digital menu of the items in the fridge and the cupboards.You select bread & butter. A robotic arm pops up ,takes the bread and butter and spreads it out for as per your need.Once you have it , the display tells you that you had XX amount of calories.The data gets stored onto the database.

As you walk down the stairs, press the key to the garage ,the garage door would open and the car would come right where you want it to be waiting for you.Step onto the car ,and you can sit at the back seat.You feed in the destination to which you want to head and the car is on its way.You would have an option to strike up a conversation with the system as if a  chauffeur is in control.If the car is going too fast , you can say " Go slow buddy " and the car would reduce the speed to your comfort level.

Step onto the office and you find yet another display with all the tasks pending , calls to attend , people to meet.Step onto a coffee shop with google glass and you can browse using your eyes.Profiles of people that you meet would show up on google glass in front of your eyes.So , even before you say Hi to a stranger ,the complete profile of the person would be right in front of you.Phew !

Digital world has already conquered the 2 senses of sight and sound.Once the digital world can simulate the sense of touch ,smell and taste, we would be in a whole new universe.Sample this , you walk into your room and connects to your loved one over a call like Skype.A digital version of the person on the other end gets created right in front of you and you can touch that person.The day is not far when this would happen.

Technology might even replace judges in courts.The facts of the case would be put on the device and the system would scan onto all previous cases with similar judgments, evaluate the law and clauses and pronounce judgments. A country like India where there is severe shortage of judges and cases run for lifetimes would benefit immensely.Corruption can be brought down close to 0 by using technology in all the right fashion.

A digital version of a negotiator might even help husbands & wives , parents and children ,businessmen resolve differences !

On the flip side, such technology could be used for all the wrong reasons by terrorists and extremists.

So where would human relationships fit in with this?Let the grandest robots come up ,let technology spiral onto new heights ,but there would never be a substitute for feelings of love , gratitude ,hatred and all other complex emotions which are generated in a human mind.Finding a right blend between the digital and real world would be the key for the generations to come.

The possibilities are endless ....The future looks exciting & intimidating at the same time.

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