Friday, February 13, 2015

Calculated Risk taking - the one quality we all need to learn !

From my experience on Planet earth in around 30 odd years , I realize that taking calculated risks is one quality that will help you grow more than anything.

Majority of us have standard IQ's .Some of us might have a IQ more than 100.Most of us have graduated and are well read.With the advent of internet, we all have access to the same information.

Most of us get into a pattern of thinking of living a comfortable life with a good bank deposit and then when we hit the mid 40's ,the mid life crisis hits us hard.Then we realize that yes we did travel abroad,we did make a good bank deposit, we are sending our kids to the best schools available but at the end of the day , there's a hollow in our hearts.

To avoid that dooms day ,we all need to find our inner voice & take calculated risks and move out of our comfort zones.The worst that might happen is that we fail and break our backs.But we would be richer from our experience of going through it and emerge a stronger and wiser person.

Society forces us to live within its established standards which we should break through garnering courage which is already within us.Courage is not being fearless all the time.Fear would be there ,but to transcend it in spite of the presence of it is risk taking.Taking risks ,sharpens our intelligence ,makes us more reliable and confident.It makes life worth living.Take risks ....and live courageously !!

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