Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Will the liberal Muslim please stand up ? India & the world needs you now more than ever

Islam is at a cross roads in History at this point in time.The West is facing the music of Islamic terror.
The world needs to face up to the horrendous monster cropping up its ugly face in various shapes and names.At this point in time,more than governments ,the solution lies with the Muslims who are liberals.Its time for them to stand up ,take stock of the situation and condemn and ACT against the fanaticism threatening the world.

We just cannot go on saying that 'Islam has nothing to do with violence ' , 'Women should be treated well as per Islam 'etc  .The below diagram are few of the statements that we come across in social media when you counter Muslims on the challenge of global terror.

Obviously no one is saying that majority of Muslims are radical.But the point is the liberals never mattered when 9/11 happened , when the 7/7 London bombings occurred, when ISIS took over Syria ,when terrorists from Pakistan did the Mumbai attacks and went on rampage in the Jew colony or when many of youth are being led into radicalization.Its time to look at the problem in the eye and do a reform from within Islam and no one can do it other than the Liberal Muslim.

The West is not helping matters with the likes of Obama coming to India and warning India on maintaining its cultural heritage and then going onto Saudi Arabia and remaining mum.This double standards will not help.

India has for centuries faced barbaric Islamic invasions and the West for the first time is recently feeling the pinch.From India's standpoint ,she would need to join forces who are in the same boat and target to wipe out this menace ,by talking into confidence the secular Muslims in India.

Cowing down to Islamic threats and terrors will not help.After the recent Charlie Hebdo attacks, the media in my opinion should have published cartoons against all religions of the world. Islam should stop getting paranoid about ridicule nor should the Hindus nor should Christians or any other community.

God has given man a brain to ridicule himself ,laugh at himself ,laugh at others and make creativity out of everything and anything.Islam needs to grow out of its victim hood mentality and stop getting offended at the drop of a hat.

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